⭐ EasyBackup ⭐ Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015

SpigotVIP ⭐ EasyBackup ⭐ Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015 3.3.7

⭐ EasyBackup ⭐ Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18
Languages Supported: Almost every message can be translated, English is the Default
Donation Link: https://paypal.me/jarfiles



Easy and powerful backup service - Protecting servers since 2015!

Why use EasyBackup?

You never know when a hard drive will fail, or when another force op glitch is found, or when a staff member turns evil. EasyBackup will protect your server!

EasyBackup saves ALL your server files into a compressed and encrypted zipped file. You can even have it automatically upload to an FTP server or a dropbox account.


Make sure to check out the documentation if you are not sure if this plugin is right for you :D


✓ Backup all files to zipped folder - the default setting creates a backup of your whole server directory including all subdirectories and files
✓ Incremental Backups - only backup files which have changed since the last backup (READ MORE)
✓ Backup MySQL databases - you can backup your whole database too
✓ Restore backups - you "accidentally" placed tnt next to a redstone torch? just restore the backup automatically using the restore command
✓ Exempt Files - you don't want your huge log files to be backed up? No problem
✓ Powerful compression - choose from HIGHEST, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, LOWEST, NONE
✓ Secure encryption (AES) - if you want, all backups get encrypted
✓ Lightning fast backups - create backups within seconds (depending on the compression level)
✓ Scheduled backups - cron schedules and an own schedule system are supported!
✓ FTP automatic uploads - supports FTP, FTPS (SSL), and SFTP (SSL)
✓ Dropbox uploads - Uploads backups automatically to your dropbox account
✓ Google Drive uploads - Uploads backups automatically to your google drive account
✓ No lag - slows down backup if server has low tps
✓ Easy to use - just drop the plugin in your plugins folder, restart and you are protected
✓ Language settings - translate the plugin to your language
✓ Backup limits - auto delete old backups
✓ Completely configurable
✓ Cleaner - can auto delete old player data and logs
✓ Config security - passwords in config get encrypted
✓ Safety checks - avoid using more disk space than you have
✓ Disk view - view file count and server size on disk
✓ Events - run server or system commands based on backup progress
✓ API - create own upload services or run events based on backup state
✓ Spigot support
✓ BungeeCord support

You can find a more detailed view of all features here: https://prodigysupport.team/wiki/x/FwAP

Each user has a limit of 5 servers the plugin can be used on. If you have more servers, please create a ticket on the service desk


Add EasyBackup to your plugin's folder and start your server.
You do not need to configure anything, and it will backup all your server files daily.


/easybackup [about/help] - Shows the help page
/easybackup create [name] - creates a backup [easybackup.command.create|easybackup.command.create.name]
/easybackup cancel - cancels a backup in progress [easybackup.command.cancel]
/easybackup upload - upload the latest backup to all enabled upload types [easybackup.command.upload]
/easybackup disk - get disk information regarding file count and server size [easybackup.command.disk]
/easybackup clean - delete old logs and playerdata [easybackup.command.clean]
/easybackup reload - reload the config [easybackup.command.reload]

Messages get sent to all staff members at the same time. To receive them, you need the 'easybackup.notify' permission

Read more about the commands & permissions here: https://prodigysupport.team/wiki/x/GQAP


If you need any help, please check out the wiki first. Support is given on my servicedesk only, however if it's just a small, simple question, feel free to contact me on my discord server, in a direct message or in the discussion thread. Do not ask for support in the reviews section

Latest updates

  1. [3.3.7] Java 17 + Spigot 1.18 support, improved ftp speed and bug fixes (Reupload)

    Java 17 | This plugin now officially supports java 17, however it'll need the new EasyBackupCore...
  2. 3.3.6

  3. 3.3.4


Latest reviews

[EasyBackup] Disabling EasyBackup...
[EasyBackup] Reason: License System - Your license has been blacklisted. Please contact the plugin author for more details (6)
Legit, uploader modules not work... "Uploader has been disabled as there is no internet connection available"
it doesnt work,it pop up this when load it:

> [04:32:25 INFO]: [EasyBackup] Enabling EasyBackup v3.3.2
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 邮粘ꇖo邖粟ꇖp邊糜ꆙa邗糐ꇜr邋粟ꇋ 邐粞ꆙEasyBackup郙粟ꇚc邌粂ꇋe邝糐ꆃc
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 郙
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 邫粕ꇘs邖粞ꆃ 실랿ꆙe싗랣ꇖr슅랾ꇚc싐랣ꇋe싁럱ꇎh싌랽ꇜ 싀랿ꇘb싉랸ꇗg
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 邭粉ꇉe郃糐dl
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 邴粕ꇊs邘粗ꇜ:郙java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: 邭䦣ꇲD邻䧓ꇮi邉䦉ꇱm邜䦂ꇪH邼䧓ꆌ6 SecretKeyFactory not available
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 郙
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 邿粅ꇕl郙粣ꇍa邚粛ꇍr邘粓ꇜ:
> [04:32:25 WARN]: me.forseth11.easybackup.plugin.final .dl: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: 邭䦣ꇲD邻䧓ꇮi邉䦉ꇱm邜䦂ꇪH邼䧓ꆌ6 SecretKeyFactory not available
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at me.forseth11.easybackup.plugin.final .di.<init>(Unknown Source)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at me.forseth11.easybackup.plugin.final .LPT1.const(Unknown Source)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at me.forseth11.easybackup.plugin.impl.SpigotPlugin.onEnable(Unknown Source)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:321)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:332)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:407)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:359)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:318)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.s(MinecraftServer.java:408)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.k(MinecraftServer.java:372)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:327)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:267)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:563)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: Caused by: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: 邭䦣ꇲD邻䧓ꇮi邉䦉ꇱm邜䦂ꇪH邼䧓ꆌ6 SecretKeyFactory not available
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at javax.NOPE.SecretKeyFactory.<init>(SecretKeyFactory.java:122)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: at javax.NOPE.SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(SecretKeyFactory.java:160)
> [04:32:25 WARN]: ... 14 more
> [04:32:25 INFO]: 郙
> [04:32:26 INFO]: 郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ-郔糝ꆔ
Well its working well, but i want to download some module! But where??
thx LegitSpigot for all the nice plugins! how do you get the leaks? do you have so much money?
thank you vm

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