Give Anything Listener

 Give Anything Listener 1.4.5

Give Anything Listener
Give Anything Listener
Now with UUIDs

This will attempt to automatically convert your existing database from previous non-UUID versions, to speed this up you can start fresh by running "/gal cleartotals" and "/gal clearqueue" before upgrading.


This is a plugin that works with Votifier 1.8 or higher, and as such should be placed inside the plugins folder NOT the listeners one.
This plugin listens to voting events passed from Votifier and allows you to reward players with anything when they vote for your server.
If you can type it as a command you can use it to in this plugin!
The Plugin works like a lot of the other listeners, but gives the user a detailed Configuration, on how to setup the broadcast message, and the colour / control codes they can use, Like {BOLD} etc...
This Plugin REQUIRES Votifier 1.8 or above!
When installing you must place the GAListener.jar into your /plugins folder.
It will then create a config.yml inside of the folder which you can edit to your liking!

  • /vote - show the vote message
  • /votetop - show the top 10 voters
  • /rewards - show the cumulative voting rewards
  • /fakevote <player> [servicename] [luckynumber] - send a test vote for player
  • /gal reload - reloads the config file
  • /gal votes <player> - get the current vote total for player
  • /gal total <player> <total> - modify the vote total for player
  • /gal clear <player> - clear queued votes for player
  • /gal cleartotals - reset vote totals for all players
  • /gal clearqueue - clear queued votes for all players
  • /gal forcequeue - process all queued vote commands immediately
  • /gal top [count] [paste] - show the current x top voters
  • /gal broadcast <message> - send a broadcast message to all players
  • /gal message <player> - send a message to player
Top Voter Signs / Skulls

Place a sign with [GALTop] as the first line and the number of the position you would like to show as the second. This will auto populate the sign and an adjacent skull if found.



Here's a video tutorial thanks to Koz4Christ

  • gal.admin - allow all commands
  • gal.noremind - exclude from vote reminder messages
  • - allow /votetop command
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