Unluckysquids | Adding Bad Luck squids to Minecraft!✅ Custom Squid & Glow Squid and more⭕|

 FREE Unluckysquids | Adding Bad Luck squids to Minecraft!✅ Custom Squid & Glow Squid and more⭕| vsquids.1.1.1

Unluckysquids | Adding Bad Luck squids to Minecraft!✅ Custom Squid & Glow Squid and more⭕|

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The Unluckysquids plugin is a fun and exciting addition to your Minecraft server. It introduces two unique types of squids: UnluckySquid and UnluckyGlowSquid. These squids are special because they bring bad luck to players who encounter them.

When a player spawns near an UnluckySquid or an UnluckyGlowSquid, there is a small chance that these unlucky creatures will appear. You never know when or where they will show up, adding an element of surprise and excitement to your gameplay.

The Unluckysquids plugin offers a range of customizable features that allow you to adjust the behavior and effects of these squids. You can configure the probability of an UnluckySquid or UnluckyGlowSquid spawning, as well as the actions taken when a player interacts with them.

By default, if a player kills one of these unlucky squids, they will face dire consequences. You can choose to either ban or kick the player from the server. Additionally, you can set a ban time duration to determine how long the player will be barred from rejoining. Custom ban messages and reasons can also be specified to add a humorous touch.

But that's not all! UnluckySquids and UnluckyGlowSquids come with their own unique effects. When encountered, they emit bad luck particle effects to make their presence known. They also apply negative potion effects to the player who kills them, such as slowing them down or making them unlucky for a certain duration.

To add even more excitement, these squids drop special items upon death. By default, UnluckySquids drop Ink Sacs and have a chance to drop additional random items. UnluckyGlowSquids, on the other hand, drop Glow Ink Sacs and also have a chance to drop other random items. The drop rate and the number of items dropped can be customized to suit your server's needs.

With the Unluckysquids plugin, you can bring an element of surprise, challenge, and amusement to your Minecraft server. Whether you want to entertain your players or create unique gameplay scenarios, this plugin is sure to captivate everyone's attention. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and embrace the unluckiness of the squids!

Here is the permissions list for the provided plugin:

  • unluckysquids.spawn - Permission to spawns Unlucky Squid and Unlucky Glow Squids

  • unluckysquids.reload - Permission to reload the configuration of the UnluckySquids plugin.

  • unluckysquids.list - Permission to list all unlucky squids and glow squids in the server.
These permissions can be assigned to players or groups in your server's permission management system, such as a permissions plugin like PermissionsEx or LuckPerms. Make sure to configure the permissions in your server according to your desired access levels.

Some commands in the game:

  • /spawnunluckysquid - Spawns an unlucky squid.

  • /spawnunluckyglowsquid - Spawns an unlucky glow squid.

  • /reloadunluckysquids - Reload the UnluckySquids configuration.

  • /listunluckysquids - Lists all UnluckySquids and UnluckyGlowSquids in the server.

  • /spawnmultiplesquids - Spawn multiple UnluckySquids.

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