Recent content by Rando

  1. Rando

    AWAITING UPDATE Litebans 2.2.6

    Name of the plugin you want : Litebans Spigot Link : Price : $7.50 How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community : So we can make ban pannels :)
  2. Rando

    RESOLVED Death_Dev - Developer Application

    changing vote to +1 guy helped me out with BSA <3
  3. Rando

    SpigotVIP ViperMC / ViperHCF Plugins leak 1.0

    Plugins include: - ViperSecurity - Minssentials - ViperCore - ViperEnderpearls - VipderFixes - ViperHub - ViperKitmap - ViperKits - ViperOres Enjoy :D
  4. Rando

    RESOLVED Death_Dev - Developer Application

    If you can make BSA not crash my server I will support you <3
  5. Rando

     HCF Death Messages & Kills Plugin + SOURCE 1.0

    DeathMsg is an HCF plugin for showing configurable messages when a player is killed. If a player is killed by another player it will show the killer's kills and the victim's kills in the death message! Other death causes: Commands: /setkills <player> <amount> - Set the amount of...
  6. Rando

    FREE CONFIG Litebans Messages | MineHQ Style 1.0

    Ever wanted ban messages like MineHQ? WELL, NOW YOU CAN! TempBan Ban IP-Ban // Blacklist TempMute Mute
  7. Rando

    Staff Application - Josh

  8. Rando

    FREE CONFIG Litebans Messages | Kohi Style 1.0

    Ever wanted ban messages like Kohi? WELL, NOW YOU CAN! Preview Ban IP-Ban Mute
  9. Rando

    Portal Page with Player Count & Copy IP 1.0

    This portal page has 3 buttons: Forums, Store, Vote. It also comes with playercount and copy IP button. The IP can be changed in the index.php file. Preview
  10. Rando

    My Feedback

  11. Rando

    OPEN What happen to the SpigotLeaks team?

    it's because they decided to start their own leaking site
  12. Rando

    (REQUEST) Resource of the week

    Support, this would be a nice addition to the website!
  13. Rando

    OPEN Need help, what is this?

    do you remember what the plugin/jar is called? I do not want to download it.
  14. Rando

    SUGGESTION Config category

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