Search results

  1. keyman015

    SpigotVIP GadgetsMenu [1.8 - 1.20.4] [Premium]

    Amazing leak! Please update to 4.5.7! Thanks.
  2. keyman015

    ✨ AdvancedAuctionHouse ✨Auction Categories! [1.8-1.14]✨

    Amazing leak! Any chance you could get this updated to 1.3.3? As it gives 1.15 support. Thanks.
  3. keyman015

    (DONE) MMOCore

    Thanks to LegitSpigot it's just been leaked. Thanks.
  4. keyman015

    (DONE) MMOCore

    Name of the plugin you want: MMOCore Spigot Link: Price: 18.10 EUR - (USD$20.16) How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: This is an amazing RPG plugin that goes above and beyond mcMMO, as the plugin is capable of so much...
  5. keyman015

    OPEN Litebans - Test Crack - Review if any errors [2.3.18]

    Oh. Sorry didn't know it was that bad. Hopefully, it gets cracked soon.
  6. keyman015

    OPEN Litebans - Test Crack - Review if any errors [2.3.18]

    @Mango What's the news so far? It's been a while and it's still not fixed. There has been no update to the leak, and it's still spitting out the same error and disabling the plugin. Any ETA for its fix? Thanks. Kind regards, keyman015
  7. keyman015

    OPEN Litebans - Test Crack - Review if any errors [2.3.18]

    Name of the bad plugin: LiteBans (2.3.18) BSMC Link: Profile Link of author: What is the problem with it?: The plugin wasn't fully nulled. The antileak...
  8. keyman015

    (DONE) RealisticWorldGenerator - Official BSMC Release [Alpha]

    Hello, I would like the following plugin updated so it can support 1.14. Name of the plugin you want updated: RealisticWorldGenerator (The official BSMC one) Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link...
  9. keyman015

    AWAITING UPDATE EpicNetherGenerator - 2.0.0

    Hello, Could the ENG plugin be updated to the latest so it can support 1.13? Name of the plugin you want updated: EpicNetherGenerator Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link...
  10. keyman015

    (DONE) CMI Ranks/Kits/Portals/Essentials/MySQL/SqLite/BungeeCord

    wtf, have you not read the rules, you cant advertise. Anyways I only trust this website. EDIT: @WifiSpy idk what to do.
  11. keyman015

    (DONE) CMI Ranks/Kits/Portals/Essentials/MySQL/SqLite/BungeeCord

    Name of the plugin you want: CMI Spigot Link: Price 15.00 EUR How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community: I think it would help the community because it has so many plugins...
  12. keyman015

    OPEN Infinityy - Staff Application

    +1 Vouch Would love to see this guy as staff! :D ( ง͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง
  13. keyman015

    OPEN * 4KLeaks Plugin Request *

    I don't think so
  14. keyman015

    HideAndSeek [MultiArena/BungeeCord] [MiniGame]

    Umm there is already a hide and seek plugin leaked Here:
  15. keyman015

    (DONE) LiteBans 2.2.2

    If you read my request for this plugin for 4kLeaks then he tells us this: *sorry if i tagged you for this 4kLeaks.
  16. keyman015

    OPEN * 4KLeaks Plugin Request *

    Plugin Name: GriefPrevention Flags - from the Creator of GriefPrevention! Plugin Link: Price: $10.00 USD Why do you want the plugin?: So i can enable/disable pvp and other fags in my claims...
  17. keyman015

    OPEN * 4KLeaks Plugin Request *

    Ok, thanks anyway! ~key :D
  18. keyman015

    OPEN * 4KLeaks Plugin Request *

    Plugin Name: LiteBans Plugin Link: Price: $7.50 USD Why do you want the plugin?: I want this plugin, because this is the best banning/warning management plugin and I want to sufficiently ban and warn my law breakers, and is used by many people :D...
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