
  1. Z

    Ad SoundsColdMC - Looking for YouTuber!

    In Game Name - Age - How long you have been playing Minecraft? - How long can you come onto our Network daily? (Hours) - Why Do you wish to be part of the family as a YouTuber? - How many subscribers does your YouTube channel have? - How decent you're with editing/uploading MC-Videos? -...
  2. GalacticDev

    My Staff Application

    Name: Easton Age: 15 How I found BSMC: I found BSMC when I was looking for free plugins on Google. Why I want to be Staff: I want to be staff on BSMC to help the community and to "win the war". What have you done for BSMC: I give plugins to @WifiSpy when he needs them and have bought a few...
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