Easy way to make plugins

  • Thread starter /u/Downtown-Lettuce-736
  • Start date


I know I’m probably gonna get slammed for this but I have been making a few mods with mcreator and have really liked getting more technical than you can with command blocks and data packs since that’s all I used to use. I used one of my mods to make a server for a small group of friends but the annoying this that I think kept people inactive was that they had to have the mod and switch it out when they weren’t on my server. So I want to make plug-ins instead. However, I don’t really have the time to learn java. If I did I’m still worried I’d end up giving up lol. So my question is: is there any tool like mcreator for making plugins? There is a generator for spigot in mcreator but it’s very limited. Again I know I’m gonna get slammed but Google wasn’t helpful.

submitted by /u/Downtown-Lettuce-736
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