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SpigotVIP [20% OFF] ✨ Aqua Core - Essentials,Punishments,Ranks & Permissions,Utilities,Purchasable ranks ✨ 2.1.2

shows it in red. i'm pretty certain it contains a crap.
Hello ik this pluimgin is the best but why is it not working on my 1.16.1 server when I do /pl it shows it in red color aka plugin not working is the plugin not yet for 1.16?
please 5 starts but how can i fix this error?
its failing to connect to the mongo database
Once server starts you get error and does not load
1.) When Starting the server, the plugin starts then immediately shut's down due to an error. This may be due to the "-noverify" problem or due to the proof of purchase being broken due to others using it.
2.) Where am I supposed to put the -noverify?
3.) Please update the resource!
4.) I'm posing here bc no one probably reads the discussion.
Update ?
I have this error:
can u help?:
It's good but I get some errors, I don't know if it's the spigot? Help me?
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