AdvancedMobArena | 1.9 - 1.13

 AdvancedMobArena | 1.9 - 1.13 6.0.8

Added missing error message for kit selection.
[Fixed] Player interact bugs
[Fixed] Console errors.
This update fixes a critical database bug which causes server to crash.
After this update your current user data will be wiped!!!

Soon plugin will going to support only 1.13+, make sure to update your servers.

Support for 1.14 will be added in the next update, which can took a while.
Fixed console errors
[Fixed] A bug where 'req-clear-inv' works incorrect.
[Fixed] Arena commands executing.
[Added] Config option ''

[Fixed] Improved data saving.
[Fixed] Editor issues.
[Fixed] Console errors.
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    G @ GosuP: @RealNotSound can u fix the pixelmon server setup file link is not working