[Amethyst] F4 Menu [Theme Support - Compact Mode] - Gemerosity Collection [GarrysMod]

 [Amethyst] F4 Menu [Theme Support - Compact Mode] - Gemerosity Collection [GarrysMod] 1.4.0 - Mar 28th 2017

[Amethyst] F4 Menu [Theme Support - Compact Mode] - Gemerosity Collection [GarrysMod]
Amethyst is a brand new F4 menu designed to fit the "Gemerosity Collection" and takes on an aim in a new direction with F4 menus as a whole. We've included all of the normal things that an F4 menu should have, however, we've tried to make Amethyst a "long-term solution" for people who want versatility, but don't want to have to try out multiple F4 menus in order to get what they need. This script also supports DLCs which are officially in the works (including a custom achievements system -- coming soon!). Since F4 menus are the main focal point of DarkRP -- we plan on making this F4 menu anything and everything you'll ever want.

Gemerosity Collection

This script is part of the "Gemerosity Collection".

Theme System

Allow your players to completely customize how the F4 menu looks and acts on a per-player basis. Supports multiple themes, and server owners can create their own to add to the list. Every aspect of the F4 menu can be re-colored and features can be turned on/off with a click.

** Themes -> Reset Defaults**

Made a mistake while changing the colors of a theme? Simply click the Reset Defaults button and all origional settings will be restored.

Themes -> Rank-Restricted Settings

Make certain themes Donator or Staff Only. Or make just particular settings rank restricted. This helps encourage people to donate to your network for another great purpose.


Players who want more FPS and without all of the extras can enable Compact-Mode, which minimizes with F4 menu to include just what they need.

Staff Notification System

Display notifications for your players whenever you want. All notifications slide-in from the right side of the screen. You can change the text, duration to display the notification, and more.

DLC/Plugin Support

This script supports DLCs/Plugins made by 3rd party developers.

Official DLCs/Plugins:


Each player can track their own statistics as they play on your server. The server admin can either choose to allow these statistics to save over the players' total sessions, or reset each them they disconnect. These stats include:

  • Number of Jumps
  • Times Crouched
  • Items Used
  • Steps Taken
  • Server Connections
  • Messages Sent
  • Gun Reloads
  • Bullets Fired
  • Damage Inflicted
  • Damage Taken
  • Deaths
  • Players Killed
  • Job Switches
Compatibility with 3rd Party Scripts

This script is compatible with:

Streamers List

Promote your communities streamer's by displaying their avatars, name, a brief description, and a link to their page directly from Amethyst itself.

Hunger Module Support

This script supports the DarkRP Hunger Module

Custom Avatars

Choose between viewing your player model, or your steam avatar on the left-hand side.

Customized Model Positioning

You now have control over where each and every model sits on your F4 menu. If one looks a bit off, or is too low -- modify the position straight from the config.

Job Player Model / Icon Support

Want options? Players can choose whether they see the actual player model for each job OR they can show the job player model icon (also helps with fps performance).

Debug System

Get more in-depth information about issues related to the script and how it's performing.

Custom Font Support

This script utilizes 3rd party fonts for a more unique look.

Integrated Achievements

Make achievements important again -- all Garry's Mod achievements are built into the F4 menu and will give information related to which ones you have, and which ones you have yet to receive.

Build Your Own Content

Want to add your own tabs? Read the official documentation and put your content into the game. The script supports your own content with a few simple steps (and some Lua knowledge).

Network Support

Players can now reach your official website, donations link, steam workshop, and much more right from the F4 menu.

Vehicle / Food Support

Yes! This F4 menu also includes the Vehicles and Food tabs.

Category Support

This script supports categories, as well as sorting your categories however you want using the built-in DarkRP sorting functions, as well as being able to start a category expanded, or have it closed on load (with animations of course).

Live Wallpapers and Bokeh

We've included our Live Wallpapers feature, as well as a new feature called "Bokeh Effects" which can be modified within the settings page.

FastDL/Resource Compatibility

This script includes pre-setup Steam Workshop collections and FastDL support.

Message of the Day

You can now broadcast a Message of the Day right on the F4 menu Dashboard. Easy to customize.

News Ticker

Give your players even more news and information by customizing the News Ticker that rests at the top of the F4 menu. Add as many messages as you want, customize the timing, etc.

Additional Details

This script is DRM free; no code has been removed or hidden from the view of the purchaser.

External Services

This script does utilize and communicate with an external service in order to provide features such as an updater, server-side MOTD (to announce news), and for statistical purposes. It should not interfere what-so-ever with the operation or customization of the script.

Privacy Concerns

As long as you are purchasing a legit copy of this script from Gmodstore, it should contain only required code for the script to operate normally. It is back-door free, and does not include any type of "bypass" features or perks to the developer of the script such as: giving the developer of said script any type of special usergroup on your server, ability to override your server setup, and/or access to any personal information. It has been known that downloading or using leaked copies can contain back-doors added by the leaker which can cause serious privacy breaches to your server. The developer of this script cannot be held responsible for issues that come from using a leaked copy.

If you suspect any abnormalities in the code; or you find someone using a leaked copy, it is recommended that you contact the developer.


You can view the full documentation on the Offical Steam Guide

Workshop Collection

Subscribe to the Offical Steam Workshop Collection

Question: How do I install this script?

Answer: To properly install this script -- you may do the following:

  • Download a copy of the script and extract it to your computer.
  • Create a new folder within your Garry's Mod server's /addons/ folder named "amethyst"
  • (Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS or S P A C E S in the folder name -- Lowercase only)
  • Upload the extracted folders (lua, materials, resource) to the new folder you created in the /addons/ directory of your server.
  • Restart your server and join. You should test to ensure things work properly BEFORE customizing the settings.
  • Open the /sh/ folder and configure the script how you want.
Question: Amethyst won't start when I boot my server?

Answer: Ensure that you have placed the script in the right directory of your Garry's Mod server. It is highly recommended that when you create a new folder for your new script, that you DO NOT use spaces or special characters in the folder name. Linux and Windows based servers handle oddly named folders differently. Windows is OK with caps and spaces in the folder names, whereas Linux will completely skip loading an addon if the folder has improper characters within the name.

Question: Getting band error -- script won't load

Answer: This is an extremely rare case, where the server you are currently running is missing the -ip parameter. Simply modify your startup parameters to include -ip ipaddresshere and restart the server. Should remove the error.

Question: How do I make my own theme?

Answer: This question is explained in Chapter 3 of this guide. In short: you will need to create a new file within lua/amethyst/sh/themes with your new theme name. Then you'll need to add the theme to the themes config file: lua/amethyst/sh/sh_themes.lua.

Question: What gamemodes is Amethyst compatible with?

Answer: Amethyst is only compatible with any gamemode that is a branch of DarkRP, meaning it is compatible with SeriousRP, MethRP, SWRP (StarWarsRP), and so forth. In short, if it is a derivative of DarkRP, then this script is compatible with it.

Question: How can I add jobs/shipments/etc to the menu?

Answer: You will add your jobs and other items into your server just the same as you did before. Amethyst is a client-side script that will take your existing items and put them into the new F4 menu. Your actual items are added through DarkRP/DarkRP Modifications. If you need assistance with adding jobs or items to your server; you can read the Official DarkRP Wiki[wiki.darkrp.com]. Amethyst itself doesn't control what items are on your server.

Question: Can I edit the "failsafe" theme?

Answer: It is NOT RECOMMENDED that you edit the failsafe theme. It is there to ensure that if any theme is missing certain values, the failsafe will kick in so that nil value errors can be avoided. Do NOT touch this file unless you know what you are doing. If you do break the failsafe theme, you'll need to download a new copy and replace the file. We do not support you modifying this file, and if you do so, no support will be given.

Question: Why am I getting frame drops?

Answer: Amethyst includes a lot of "visual enhancements" for the best possible look. We've focused a lot of time on optimization, however, depending on each computer, you may experience a drop in frames when the panel is open. It is recommended that if you're experiencing low fps, to disable the visual enhancements within the settings area. This means the "Live Bokeh Effect", "Live Wallpapers", anything related to blur, and other visual enhancements. It also depends on how many items the server owner has added to the F4 menu list such as jobs, shipments, etc.

Question: Why can't I see the Live Wallpapers once enabled?

Answer: First, ensure that you've pressed Apply Changes at the bottom of the settings page after you've enabled the feature. Also, Live Wallpapers are a panel behind the primary panel, so if you cannot see Live Wallpapers running, then you'll need to go into the Settings panel, and ensure that your Alpha color for the item Primary Color (located in the "General" section) is set to something BELOW 255.

Question: Why is my text too big?

Answer: It is possible that you haven't synced all of the resources to your FastDL yet. Without the proper fonts being distributed when you connect to the server; fonts may look different or appear bigger than they should be. Double-check your FastDL and make sure you have all items in the resource folder synced with FastDL. DO NOT try creating a new steam workshop collection with the fonts included -- it will break the fonts all together. This is a bug in Garry's Mod, and we have no way to control this.

Question: Why do I have black/pink textures?

Answer: This means that you don't have the materials that this script comes with available by download. You need to either subscribe to the official steam workshop collection for this script and add it your server, or you can sync the materials with your FastDL server. After doing so, you should restart both your server AND your game client-side copy of Garry's Mod, and reopen it completely, then reconnect to your server.

Question: How can I request new features?

Answer: The best way to request new features to be added is by submitting a ticket for the script itself via ScriptFodder.com -- however, please be aware that features are added in bundles with each update that is released. Therefore it may take some time for your feature to be added (as long as it's within reason and beneficial to the script and other customers.

Question: When will the next update be released?

Answer: We try to release updates in bundles -- which means that each update has to be "worth a release". Typically updates won't happen if just a minor thing needs to be added or addressed unless it's affecting game-play on a bad level. Each time an update is released, customers have to re-configure the entire script, so we want to make sure that we put in a fair amount of changes to justify our customers haven't do this. We also never give deadlines or dates on when an update is being released. But rest assured -- they will happen.

Question: What do I do if I see a server using a leaked copy?

Answer: We ask that if you find a server using a leaked copy, that you send Richard (English only) or Nymphie (English/French) a private message on ScriptFodder.com. Please include the server address, who the owner is of that network if you know, and which script it is that they are using a non-legit copy of. Typically if you catch a leaker and it results in them being banned -- we will offer you a coupon code that you can use to get a discount on your next purchase from us. This is a thank you for helping us keep everyone in good standings.

Certain fonts used for this script were made possible thanks to the Open Font License (OFL)

Certain icons are made possible thanks to Icons8 and IconsDB. They are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license.

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