♣ ChatControl Pro™ - Format and Filter Your Chat [1.7.10 - 1.16.4]

SpigotVIP ♣ ChatControl Pro™ - Format and Filter Your Chat [1.7.10 - 1.16.4] 8.9.10

  • Improve / Breaking | All "chatcontrol.commands.x" permissions are now "chatcontrol.command.x" only without the plural -s to maintain consistency over all of our plugins.
  • Fix | The change above solves the problem where for some commands you had to give both "command" and "commands" permission.
  • Fix | Solved some new line problems in timed message broadcaster.
  • Misc | Added a new debug section named "rules-packet", printing how ChatControl filters all messages including from other plugins and the server itself.
  • Fix | Should fix all "cannot fire async event" issues as explained in the changelog below.
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    F @ faddas: Hey guys feel free to add pink_kuromi on discord if you need anything ✨ Can you accept me on...