⭐️COREBOT ⭐️ | Discord Bot with 45+ Features | XP+Coin System | Ticket System |

 ⭐️COREBOT ⭐️ | Discord Bot with 45+ Features | XP+Coin System | Ticket System | 1/13/2020

link dead
i have a quiestion why dosent the bot show online in discord and does aneyone have a guide how to do it????

I do not want to give a bad review just because I'm a massive idiot and I have failed to install properly, but it really is not working for me.

Would you, per chance, be able to create a guide for installation?

Or check wheter if the leaking is working properly or not.

I cant install it..
Do i need a bot key? Because it doesnt work atm.
X - Mas
X - Mas
licence is bypassed
Works Good! Only Update Please to 3.2!
Out-dated and buggy. Just spend the $7 and buy it.
to many bugs
Its not really worth it because there are a lot of bugs with this leak. I would rather get it from MC-Market not this broken leak
- rep
X - Mas
X - Mas
So spend cash on MC-Market if you want l3l, this is leaking site.
Also. there's no need to upload the "node_modules" folder
X - Mas
X - Mas
Thanks for review, enjoy buddy!
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