FactionsTop UUID

 FactionsTop UUID 1..4 or some shit


An efficient and comprehensive factions ranking system. Live statistics, fully free and open source!

Click here for the GitHub link

This plugin adds a command to the well known factions plugin to display all factions on the server, ordered by wealth. The wealth of a faction is determined by calculating the value of all blocks stored in the faction claims and chests. This specific implementation aims to provide real-time results while still maintaining a good performance. A demonstration of this plugin in action is shown below:

  • Spigot 1.7.x -> 1.12.x
  • FactionsUUID by drtshock
  • LegacyFactions
  • FactionsOne
  • MassiveCore Factions 2.7+
  • H2 and MySQL

  1. Download FactionsTop.jar
  2. Copy FactionsTop.jar into your plugins directory.
  3. Start your server.
  4. Check the log.
  5. After the dependencies download, a message will show up as follows:
    Code (Text):
    [FactionsTop] H2 forcefully loaded, a reboot may be required.
  6. There will be one of two outputs following:
    1. The server starts fine and no errors show.
    2. An SQL Exception occurs as the driver is missing, this may be down to a dependency conflict. This is fine and all you have to do to fix this is perform a reboot.
  7. FactionsTop should now be successfully loaded to your server!

Could you support X plugin?

If there is a good reason behind it and I agree, sure. All you have to do is open an issue in the GitHub bug tracker: https://github.com/novucs/factions-top/issues

Make sure before you submit anything, double check to see if the implementation has already been added into the main plugin.

I found a bug, could you please fix it?
Please provide a full log, a list of all plugins installed on the server and which server version is being used. Same with any change to be made to the plugin, it's very helpful to post in the GitHub bug tracker: https://github.com/novucs/factions-top/issues

How do you use MySQL/MariaDB?
Simply modify the JDBC URL in the configuration file to tell it to use MySQL.
Code (Text):
# jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://<ip>:<port>/<database>
jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
More information on MySQL JDBC URLs can be found here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html

HELP I CANT ADD IRON GOLEMZZ!!!!11 (Or any other spawner type for that matter)
Yes, you can. All blocks and spawners that are counted MUST have a worth value. For those who are asking about item names, please just read the configuration help section in the file itself. Everything that needs to be documented, is documented. In the case you're running some weird and wacky spawner plugin that somehow rewrites all spawner functionality, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

/ftop - List all top factions
/ftopgui - List all top factions with GUI
/ftoprecalculate - Recalculates all faction values
/ftopreload - Reload the plugin settings
/ftopversion - View the plugin version

factionstop.use - List all top factions
factionstop.recalculate - Recalculate all faction values
factionstop.reload - Reload the plugin settings
factionstop.sign.break - Break FactionsTop ranking signs
factionstop.sign.place - Place FactionsTop ranking signs

Code (Text):
# FactionsTop by Novucs.
# Configuration walkthrough:
# - config-version: Should not be touched, determines config version.
# - command-aliases: List of command to rebind to "/ftop".
# - gui-settings: All settings related to GUIs.
# - - line-count: Number of inventory lines.
# - - inventory-name: Name used in inventory header.
# - - layout: Fully configurable GUI layout.
# - ignored-faction-ids: Faction IDs to not calculate for factions top.
# - disable-chest-events: Disables chest events, improves performance.
# - factions-per-page: Number of factions displayed per page in "/ftop".
# - sign-update-ticks: Duration in ticks between sign updates.
# - liquid-update-ticks: Duration in ticks between liquid economy updates.
# - chunk-queue-size: Hard-limit maximum chunks to be queued for recalculation.
# - chunk-recalculate-millis: Duration in millis between chunk recalculations.
# - chat: Chat placeholder settings.
# - - enabled: Are FactionsTop placeholders going to be used?
# - - rank-placeholder: The text to replace in the original chat format.
# - - rank-found: How the placeholder should look when a rank is found.
# - - rank-not-found: How the placeholder should look when a rank is NOT found.
# - placeholders: MVdWPlaceholderAPI settings.
# - - faction-not-found: What to replace with when no faction is found.
# - - enabled-ranks: The ranks to be loaded into the MVdWPlaceholderAPI.
# - database: Various database settings, MySQL and H2 are supported.
# - - persist-interval: Millis between database updates.
# - - persist-factions: Saves factions in database for websites to parse.
# - enabled: Toggles whether specific worth types should be recalculated.
# - perform-recalculate: Toggles chunk recalculation for the listed reasons.
# - bypass-recalculate-delay: Toggles which reason bypasses the delay.
# - spawner-prices: Value for specific spawners.
# - block-prices: Value for specific blocks.
# Layout types:
# - button_back/button_next: When clicked, moves to relavent page.
# - - enabled/disabled: Button looks, enabled when the page is available.
# - - - text: Item name.
# - - - lore: Item lore.
# - - - material: Item material.
# - - - data: Item data.
# - faction_list: Adds a list of factions to the GUI.
# - - faction-count: Number of factions to add to the GUI.
# - - fill-empty: Leaves the remainder slots blank when true.
# - - text: Item name.
# - - lore: Item lore.
# Valid spawners (Case insensitive):
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# Valid materials (Case insensitive):
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Valid worth types (Case insensitive):
# Valid recalculation reasons (Case insensitive):
# Placeholders:
# Header/Footer only:
# - {button:back} - Goes to previous page.
# - {button:next} - Goes to next page.
# Header, footer and body:
# - {page:back} - Previous page number.
# - {page:this} - Current page number.
# - {page:next} - Next page number.
# - {page:last} - Last page number.
# Body only:
# - {rank} - Faction rank.
# - {relcolor} - Relation color of the faction listed to the viewer.
# - {faction} - Faction name.
# - {worth:total} - Total worth of faction listed.
# - {count:total:spawner} - Total spawner count.
# - {worth:<worth type>} - Value of a specific worth type.
# - {count:spawner:<spawner>} - Count of a specific spawner type.
# - {count:material:<material>} - Count of a specific material.
# MVdW Placeholders:
# - {factionstop_name:*}
# - - The faction name of a rank by replacing * with a number.
# - - The faction name in last place by replacing * with "last".

config-version: 7
count-format: '#,###'
currency-format: $#,###.##
enabled: '&b[<]'
disabled: '&7[<]'
- '&dCommand: &b/f top {page:back}'
enabled: '&b[>]'
disabled: '&7[>]'
- '&dCommand: &b/f top {page:next}'
header: '&6_______.[ &2Top Factions {button:back} &6{page:this}/{page:last} {button:next}
no-entries: '&eNo entries to be displayed.'
text: '&e{rank}. {relcolor}{faction} &b{worth:total}'
- '&e&l-- General --'
- '&dTotal Worth: &b{worth:total}'
- '&dBlock Worth: &b{worth:block}'
- '&dChest Worth: &b{worth:chest}'
- '&dSpawner Worth: &b{worth:spawner}'
- '&dPlayer Balances: &b{worth:player_balance}'
- '&dFaction Bank: &b{worth:faction_balance}'
- ''
- '&e&l-- Spawners --'
- '&dSlime: &b{count:spawner:slime}'
- '&dSkeleton: &b{count:spawner:skeleton}'
- '&dZombie: &b{count:spawner:zombie}'
- ''
- '&e&l-- Materials --'
- '&dEmerald Block: &b{count:material:emerald_block}'
- '&dDiamond Block: &b{count:material:diamond_block}'
- '&dGold Block: &b{count:material:gold_block}'
- '&dIron Block: &b{count:material:iron_block}'
- '&dCoal Block: &b{count:material:coal_block}'
footer: ''
permission: '&cYou do not have permission.'
recalculation-start: '&eAll faction totals are being resynchronized'
recalculation-finish: '&eResynchronization of faction totals complete'
recalculation-stop: '&eResynchronization of faction totals stopped'
- f topgui
line-count: 1
inventory-name: '&lTop Factions | Page {page:this}'
- type: button_back
text: '&bBack'
lore: []
material: wool
data: 5
text: '&7Back'
lore: []
material: wool
data: 14
- type: faction_list
faction-count: 7
fill-empty: true
text: '&e{rank}. {relcolor}{faction} &b{worth:total}'
- '&e&l-- General --'
- '&dTotal Worth: &b{worth:total}'
- '&dBlock Worth: &b{worth:block}'
- '&dChest Worth: &b{worth:chest}'
- '&dSpawner Worth: &b{worth:spawner}'
- '&dPlayer Balances: &b{worth:player_balance}'
- '&dFaction Bank: &b{worth:faction_balance}'
- ''
- '&e&l-- Spawners --'
- '&dSlime: &b{count:spawner:slime}'
- '&dSkeleton: &b{count:spawner:skeleton}'
- '&dZombie: &b{count:spawner:zombie}'
- ''
- '&e&l-- Materials --'
- '&dEmerald Block: &b{count:material:emerald_block}'
- '&dDiamond Block: &b{count:material:diamond_block}'
- '&dGold Block: &b{count:material:gold_block}'
- '&dIron Block: &b{count:material:iron_block}'
- '&dCoal Block: &b{count:material:coal_block}'
- type: button_next
text: '&bNext'
lore: []
material: wool
data: 5
text: '&7Next'
lore: []
material: wool
data: 14
- f top
- none
- safezone
- warzone
- '0'
- '-1'
- '-2'
disable-chest-events: false
factions-per-page: 9
sign-update-ticks: 1
liquid-update-ticks: 100
chunk-queue-size: 200
recalculate-chunks-per-tick: 50
chunk-recalculate-millis: 120000
enabled: false
rank-placeholder: '{factions_top_rank}'
rank-found: '&2[&e#{rank}&2]'
rank-not-found: ''
faction-not-found: '-'
- 1
- 2
- 3
jdbc-url: jdbc:h2:./plugins/FactionsTop/database
username: root
password: pa$$w0rd
maximum-pool-size: 10
max-lifetime: 5000
idle-timeout: 5000
connection-timeout: 5000
persist-interval: 60000
persist-factions: false
chest: true
player_balance: true
faction_balance: true
spawner: true
block: true
command: true
unload: true
claim: true
break: true
place: true
explode: true
chest: true
command: true
unload: true
claim: true
break: false
place: false
explode: false
chest: false
skeleton: 30000.0
zombie: 25000.0
slime: 75000.0
gold_block: 250.0
iron_block: 75.0
diamond_block: 1000.0
emerald_block: 1250.0
coal_block: 25.0
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    J @ JadenStormz: Hey, why cant i post anything?