GWEN AntiCheat Remaked!

GWEN AntiCheat Remaked! Comeback - Updated

Fixed bugs fixed animation and improved configurations.
GWEN will BE great AGAIN don't WORRY! Help me to make it ##1 resource here!
An Antibot came up with Jigsaw and Pandora and many more! Ive added a check that will complitly disable KillAura! If antibot its enabled he gets banned for killaura! If it isnt he gets banned for killaura in 4-5 seconds.
KillAura now its COMPLITLY disabled. I added also something that has been requested for 1 week! Now GWEN is a fullproof anticheat and i made a plugin for the animation! So stay updated and follow me!
Hey! I am going to keep doing GWEN since many of you PMed me telling me fix this fix this so today i am going to fix everything reported! If you are using it on your server give me the IP! I will advertise it in the GWEN post.

Bugges fixed:
-Fixed the False Angle check and the error with KillAuraLegit and the big hit delay
-Fixed some console errors
-Fixed an error in the banwave

Near you!
-Ban Animation
- /gwen command!
Well.... i finished with GWEN i i will give you a full version that it would be the best you have seen from an anticheat. I added bungeecord support and here is an instalation tutorial

-Add the Mineplexanticheat.jar in EVERY bungee server exept the host
-Add the BungeecordMAC.jar in every server exept the host
-Add to your staff the NCP notify perm (nocheatplus.notify) in every server
-Have fun with your anticheat.

Bugs fixed: More Inventory when having citizens
-KillAura Console error
-Removed the banwave error
-Added bungeesupport
-Finished with GWEN (I might release an update in a moth or two)
-Made it BETTER that AAC.
Thanks to eveybody that reported the error. To someguys that right bad reviews with out ASKING for help its goest bad. Badreviws dont help me fix bugs and you are making my job harder. I want servers to use this plugin and not make money out of it (Adfly).

-Fixed Config bug
-Fixed DoubleAura Bug
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