iShield | Anti-Cheat [Optimized code/Lagless] [AutoBan] [BungeeCord Support] [GUI Support] [-50% ON]

iShield | Anti-Cheat [Optimized code/Lagless] [AutoBan] [BungeeCord Support] [GUI Support] [-50% ON] 1.4

[21:51:06 ERROR]: Ambiguous plugin name `iShield' for files `plugins/iShield-lastfixed.jar' and `plugins/[PREMIUM] iShieldV2-1.0.0.jar' in `plugins'
[21:51:07 ERROR]: Ambiguous plugin name `iShield' for files `plugins/iShield-1.4.0.jar' and `plugins/iShield-lastfixed.jar' in `plugins'
[21:51:08 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/joinmsg-1.0.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.8
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    Chillax @ Chillax: Hell nah, keep roblox away cuz.