Lib's Disguises [Premium]

FREE Lib's Disguises [Premium] 10.0.42

Trying to get this out as fast as possible, check SpigotMC for more details

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Development Environment

Another release? Wow!

* Added basic malware check for Lib's Disguises
* Fixed old versions of Minecraft not displaying player disguises properly
* Fixed some inheritance of dependencies for other plugins which was annoying them
* Added support for a future change in paper which breaks nms
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Development Environment (4.52 MB)

Welcome to the super not late release of 10.0.41
I really should bump that version number to a major one sometime...

This introduces 1.20.4 and a few bugfixes.

* Fixed an issue where notify bar wasn't displayed as per user preference
* Fixed disguise parsing not working on a newly added custom disguise
* Fixed an error when using viaversion with player disguises
* Switched logs uploading from pastebin to finally..
* Scoreboards has been disabled for now on 1.20.4 for health bars of the disguise itself, this only means it doesn't update. If you don't notice, you're good.
* Fixed authlib update breaking Lib's Disguises across a few versions of Minecraft
* More verbose reason for PL update is now logged
* Partially fixed llama spit disappearing when in non-solid block, however a full fix is impossible due to how spit works (It's not supposed to stick around)
Been a while since I've compiled it
ProtocolLibs fixes
Bug fixes
1 new commit

Don't check if score is set, just set
Fix exception for text alignment in param info types
Sorry, additional information was lost
cc32d60 - MediumBerry5575
(Only 2 commits, but is better than nothing)
2 new commits

Change ProtocolLib update message to send for "libsdisguises.update"
Update ProtocolLib jar link

Seems like some bug fixes + refactoring.
Welcome to the update for 1.19.4

  • Fixed riding horses error, no this doesn't mean you can control disguised horses
  • Fixed horses disguised as other horses not being controllable
  • Fixed issue where it could create a lag spike and spam for riding stuff disguised as a horse
  • Fixed some metadata issues for 1.12
  • Fixed Villager disguise not having items in commands auto complete
  • Minor text changes when updating ProtocolLib, so its more obvious what its doing
  • Fixed rainbow wool on sheep self disguises not working properly
  • Added 1.19.4 support
  • Added new DisabledDisguises config options, used to make certain disguises OP only. The new Display disguises are in here as they are easily abused
  • Fixed some pitch issues on misc disguises
  • Added new config option DisabledMethods, which disables methods that are prone to abuse. Eg, setYModifier
  • Fixed saved disguises not working properly in newer versions of Minecraft
  • Saved disguises are now saved on the entity itself, instead of using flatfile
  • Fixed fox disguise not saving the fox type
  • Added support to change the tablist name of a player disguise seperately from the player name
  • Fixed dropped item disguises floating into the air due to gravity conflicts
  • Added extended parameter support for disguises parsed from string.
  • All disguises can now be constructed without an argument
  • Certain disguises now accept the arguments where they didn't before, such as item frames.

  • The new disguise disguises now have default values to make them more usable. Such as text_display now being "center" not "fixed"
  • The defaults of the display disguises now have stone & "text display" to prevent invisibility. But this does not stop anyone from abusing the display disguises, they should be limited to trusted members.

  • Another attempted fix for velocity issues with self disguises and jumping twice, though it occurs to me that maybe it didn't fix
  • Armor and held items with enchantments that the client relies on, eg, riptide or swift sneak. Are no longer removed from self disguises.

5 new commits (3 modifying source code)

Some enchantments should remain in self disguise armor/held items. Fixes libraryaddict#673
Clarify nms and MC version comments
Say to download manually instead of discord

Release 10.0.33
Snapshot builds
2 new commits

- All disguises can now be constructed without an argument
- Certain disguises now accept the arguments where they didn't before, such as item frames.
- The new disguise disguises now have default values to make them more usable. Such as text_display now being "center" not "fixed"
- The defaults of the display disguises now have stone & "text display" to prevent invisibility. But this does not stop anyone from abusing the display disguises, they should be limited to trusted members.
- Attempt to fix libraryaddict#695

Refactor how parameters work to be cleaner. This should effect command/parse from string disguises only. And shouldn't break existing uses

Attempt to fix libraryaddict#695
(When transforming into an entity, you can jump two steps)
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