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 Lib's Disguises 9.5.1

This should really be a major version bump, but I don't really want to hit the number 10.
  • Fixed dying while disguised creating a problem
  • Translations now tells you how many translations were loaded
  • Premium checker now tells you if it was successful or not
  • Fixed tablist not being sent properly on undisguise
  • Fixed offline players not having their disguises removed
  • Improved tablist handling
  • Fixed sounds pitches being wrong (Outdated)
  • Improved self disguises to...
This update largely contains bugfixes and a few new features, it really should've been released a while ago but new bugs kept cropping up.

There's also a whole slew of bugs fixed. Even typos in a few messages.

If you are running the latest version of Lib's Disguises already, you have little reason not to update.

  • Nametags on disguises now implement scoreboard prefixes and suffixes
  • Translations compatibility - Premium Only
  • Added getCustomDisguise to...
This update is kind of large for several reasons, read below changelog for more details.
Also it occurs to me I probably should've released an update 1-2 months ago.
Also, due to difficulties there is currently no support to add parrots to player disguises.
  • Updated to 1.12, added two new mobs (Illusioner and Parrot)
  • Added backwards support for 1.11.2 (Premium Only)
  • Plugin now can save GameProfiles locally instead of constantly fetching from Mojang's servers.
  • Added...
Welcome to the future, presenting 9.3.0!

  1. More information added to config.yml and disguises.yml!
  2. You can now use /disguiseclone <Player>!
  3. Fixed snowman watcher having a disguise option that was the opposite of what it advertised!
  4. Renamed FlagType to MetaIndex!
  5. Fixed self disguises potions not being sent
  6. Fixed snowman's derp being disabled by default
  7. Removed some spigot references
  8. Added support for Command Blocks for disguiseradius command
  9. Changed...
  • Fixed Player disguises fetching the skins before the disguise is even used, this meant that setSkin would always fetch from mojang even as you tell it not to. Because there's a player disguise in custom disguises, this means everyone was fetching my skin from mojang.
  • Fixed a dumb mistake with setBurning.
  • Updated to 1.11.1
  • Fixed Llama setCarpet and setColor
  • I think I fixed walking sounds
  • Fixed a bad permissions error
  • Renamed some horse watchers no one should've used yet
  • Added a new option to Firework which attaches it to an entity ID
  • Added new disguise config option to change the default scoreboard team behavior. This happens to be untested..
There is a new option for pig, however I don't believe its really needed in a disguise. It appears to be for...
With the release of the premium plugin, this contains a lot of long-awaited for features.

  • Custom Disguises, you can now create a custom disguise in disguises.yml then use those disguises as you would a normal disguise. One disguise is added as an example: libraryaddict
  • Constantly displaying player disguises in tablist, you no longer give away that its a fake player, they can even see him in tab! This is disabled by default.
  • Hiding disguised players from tab, this is disabled...
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    L @ LimitBreaker: Hi ! I'm still looking if someone is interested by the Pixelmon Reforged 1.12.2-8.4.3...