
SpigotVIP LibsDisguises 10.0.26

1.17 support! Oh sorry, to clarify this is 1.17.1 not 1.17.0!
This should've been out sooner honestly, but issues keep popping up and I'm overwhelmed with work.

* Fixed some disguise methods not working
* setDynamicName now works in more scenarios that should've worked to begin with
* Adventure text is now shaded in the plugin, making it easier to do custom messages
* Fixed startups not handling errors properly
* Added modifyuuid alias to modifyplayer command
* 1.17 support
* Bump required...
There were some issues in the last release, sorry about that.

  • Fixed score being set async in 1.12 breaking stuff
  • Fixed yaw, pitch and y modifiers not being cloned properly and thus effecting mostly saved disguises
  • Fixed a tablist issue where the wrong names appeared in tab which broke name visibility
  • Empty names are now &r instead of LD_NoName or an empty string, this is for hiding nametags
  • Try to detect more reload scenarios
  • Now tries to redirect users to discord...
Hey all
This update is a bit soon, but a recent change in the latest versions of Spigot breaks the older versions.

  • Fixed /ld logs
  • Fixed a build error
  • Added ability to enable self disguises, but have it off by default
Hello again, it's that time for another release!

The changelogs are always bigger than I thought they would be.
The main appeal I have for this update is spamming update protocollib messages.
If your disguises work fine, you have nothing to worry about. 1.16 users though..

  • Newlines are no longer saved improperly to the custom disguises file
  • No longer sends unneeded custom name packet changes on a disguise
  • Did some bug correctin for multi-line names
  • Did a fix for player...
Welcome to 10.0.18

The change you'll most be interested in is that player disguises have skins that bug out a lot less

10.0.17 was skipped due to a bug

  • Fixed Falling Disguise
  • Fixed an issue with PaperMC
  • Fixed preferences.json preventing plugin from loading
  • Fixed an error where self disguises couldn't always refresh properly
  • Min radius of area cloud is now 0.1
  • Fixed a Y issue in falling block disguise grid lock
  • Added setGlowColor to FlagWatcher, currently...
Adds 1.16.2 support
This update is mostly to stop people asking me why their outdated ProtocolLib doesn't work (It spams you now)

It has a few bug fixes, and a performance boost.
  • Add more information for debug commands (/ld)
  • Some bug fixing
  • Log file name to help me find problems
  • Smarter falling block snapping to grid
  • ProtocolLib has a better grace period for 1.12, also spams you if you're outdated
  • Skin saving fixed
  • Allow creepers to unignite
  • Enabled fancy chat...
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