MC Premium Generator!

FREE MC Premium Generator! Beta

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Site not working
site not working
Thank you very much for your score and yes, we will gladly continue working as we have been doing for almost a year now.

I'm glad you liked it and worked!
If you could recommend us with your friends I would appreciate it very much and it would help us to continue growing!

Have an excellent day ;) dont work Error 522
tried 20, nothing worked.
can u update some accounts pls (steam) and ur invite discord link doesn't work and ty for this amazing website
Thank you very much for not giving a bad assessment, the site was broken, I could not make any kind of modification, now it is hosted an improved copy of the site, there were no accounts running during this week because of that ...

I was working day and night on the site until I managed to solve many problems, but it is ready. <3

What happened to the server in discord is that we hacked, we had more than 150 users on the server and more than 40 active daily, and all were expelled by the attacker, we decided to delete that server and create a new one a bit improved and with more precautions to avoid future attacks :)

the new link is working, on the page there is a Discord button, you just touch it and you will be inside the server.

In a few minutes I will publish the information about the update and about some things that happened with the site and with the server in discord, this is the biggest update I have done, you will see, when I publish the information. ;)
I can not go to acc + refresh gen
Sorry, I have not been able to update the accounts because I was banned from the web hosting account, so I can not access the site to edit it, but some friends may allow me to host my site on their webhosting, if this happens in a few days There will be a great account update + activate the Spotify Premium account generator.

that's why I have not notified you about any update. :,(
All accounts works. Thanks
np, ty <3
Please share :P
Update accounts plz! - No works
Ok, please wait, 10 minutes, i update the accounts
Please join to my discord server, they i announce site / accounts updates, giveaways, competitions,support, and much more! :D

My discord server:
Me gusto mucho :D
Muchas gracias :')
por valorar los que hago...
Gracias por tu review <3
Que buen gen men, te mamaste :v
Muchas gracias, me costo un poco las cositas especiales los códigos y la protección, aunque de esto ultimo me falta mejorar un poco mas xD
Muchas gracias por tu review amigo ;) <3
Worked perfectly!
BTW can you pm me 1 premium acc that work on big server like hypixel? No rank? :3
Sorry but unfortunately for now I can not check that the accounts work on certain servers because I'm on an old version of Linux but soon I will switch to windows and I can do this.. ;)
Updated!, Thanks!. :D
I see that you liked the page, could you share us? so we help more people to play with a premium account :P

Thank you very much for your review <3
Great!, Updated.
Tysm for you review <3
I tried all the premium accounts can not help me?
Yes, please wait a moment I will check some accounts and update the accounts that are on the page, thanks for notifying;)

* If you need something else, let me know by private
I tried 20 times and no account works
hahaha, sorry friend but when they tell me this I go immediately to verify the accounts that are to speak with base and not with lies.

7 Accounts are working and 13 are down (in the course of the afternoon or evening I will update the Venezuela Time accounts)

You are on the mojang blacklist, when this happens you can not log in with any account from your IP address, but do not worry this is temporary, it usually lasts from 1 to 8 hours or at least in my case, this happens very often because I have to verify many accounts to be able to take at least 1 but when the system detects that I start a session with several accounts from the same IP it adds me to the blacklist.

Try later or tomorrow and ready :P

Could you change your score?
Thank you very much for your review ;)
I told you, I only try to help and when I do not have more accounts I only delete the ones that do not work, but now that I have add them and publish the update, what did not happen with the above ...

Thank you very much for your review <3

var msgArr = new Array();
msgArr[0] = "[email protected]:011008shema";
msgArr[1] = "[email protected]:pascal2001";
msgArr[2] = "[email protected]:gamma123";
msgArr[3] = "[email protected]:Chipdooda1!";
msgArr[4] = "[email protected]:Papaymama1234";
msgArr[5] = "Account not found (Refresh Gen)";
msgArr[6] = "[email protected]:4x4a-mario";
msgArr[7] = "Account not found (Refresh Gen)";
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById("msgDiv").innerHTML = msgArr[Math.floor(Math.random()*msgArr.length)];
There were 37 accounts yesterday and those were the ones that continue to work until today, because you think I have not published any account updates?

when I publish an update is because accounts were added or just simply delete those that did not work anymore, but in this case I did not publish it because there were very few accounts and as I did not want to disappoint the people that generate accounts, I simply eliminated those that no longer they worked

I do not have to explain more, I think it was understood and I am clear ...

With nothing more to say .. Thanks for your review
None of the Steam nor MC accounts worked also if you dont want to all the ads so you can test yourself heres the link
Please read all the little that says in the Steam generator part, These accounts cost me more to find them and that's why I said that generator will be updated much less frequently, besides the page was created mainly for Minecraft accounts and not Steam , Steam accounts is more like an extra on the page and for your information some of the accounts that are still running from the day it was added ...

About the link shorteners I do not want to talk anymore, I have explained it many times because I use it please I ask you to read and understand a bit ...

With nothing more to say, Thanks for your review and have a nice day!
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