MMOItems | 90 Item Options | 65+ Abilities | Item Edition GUI - OFFICIAL BSMC RESOURCE

SpigotVIP MMOItems | 90 Item Options | 65+ Abilities | Item Edition GUI - OFFICIAL BSMC RESOURCE 5.3

MMOItems | 90 Item Options | 65+ Abilities | Item Edition GUI - OFFICIAL BSMC RESOURCE

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MMOItems is best used on 1.13 and higher. Legacy (1.8-1.12) is still supported
but newest features (any added after MI 4.6) are only available for 1.13+.


Unique Item Types (list)
MMOItems introduces brand new item types, such as slashing weapons like swords/daggers, piercing weapons like lances and blunt weapons like hammers. Every item has its unique attack effect which depends on its item type. For instance, slashing weapons deal damage in a cone behind the initial target. Piercing weapons deal damage in a line, and since they will most likely hit less targets, their damage ratio is higher. Blunt weapons deal AoE damage around the initial target.
MMOItems also introduces staffs, crossbows, muskets & lutes which all have their very unique attack effect.

Some items within the same item type may even have different attack effects (e.g staffs which have different (configurable) attack animations). You can also create custom bows which emits particles around their arrows when used.



90 Item Options (list)
MMOItems comes with about 90 item options including item stats, display options, item attributes, abilities, recipe options, and much much more. A complete list of the available options can be found below.

60+ Item Abilities (page 1 - page 2 - page 3)
Item abilities are awesome skills you can bind to your items to make them even more unique. You can bind up to 7 abilities on each item. While some abilities help you defeat your enemies by summoning powerful projectiles, others may temporarilly buff you & your allies.
You have multiple ways to cast an ability. Some abilities can be cast by right/left clicking (or while sneaking), by hitting enemies or by being attacked by other entities, which makes a total of 7 different ability casting modes.


Item Sets & Full Set Bonuses (wiki)
Item sets can grant extra stats to the player when he wears multiple items from the same item set. This is an extremely powerful feature you can use to link different items. It incites players to use items from the same set just like in RPG games.
Depending on what you configure, item sets can give extra damage, damage reduction, maximum mana, critical strike chance... They may also grant permanent potion effects or even more abilities to the holder. Item sets can also give different stat bonuses depending on the amount of items from the same set the player wears.


Players can bind items to themselves using specific consumables. Once their item is bound, other players can't use it and will take damage trying to use it, unless they use another consumable to break that soulbound.
Soulbounds are displayed on the item lore, but the info of an item can also be accessed using /soulbound while holding that particular item. Soulbounds also have levels. The level of a soulbound is determined by an item stat from the consumable item, when the soulbound is being created. This level determines how much damage other players will take. In order to break a soulbound, the level of the consumable breaking the soulbound must be at least the level of the soulbound.
Last but not least, creating or breaking a soulbound might sometimes fail depending on the consumables soulbinding chance/soulbound break chance.


Gem Stones
Gem stones are a great way for players to improve the items they obtained. Gem stones can be bound to items to give them extra statistics like extra attack damage, damage reduction, movement speed... Items need empty gem sockets to receive gem stones.
Applying gem stones might sometimes fail, and the player will lose the gem. However the gem socket will not be used.
You can also configure item type restrictions to make your gem stones only available for specific items. This way gem stones that give extra armor and max health can't be applied onto weapons.



Item Deconstruction (wiki)
Players can deconstruct an item into another item using a special consumable. The item they obtain depends on the item tier. The higher the tier, the better the result will. Deconstructing an item can also drop materials that players can use by the advanced workbench to craft other unique items!
As seen on the screenshot, deconstructing the same item may drop different items, some being rarer than others. This new system brings an utility to all the items players loot on monsters but can't use because they do not meet the requirements.


Consumables are custom food players that can eat to regen their health, food bar, saturation level & to gain potion effects for a specific amount of time. Consumables can also send commands and cast abilities just like normal weapons. Unlike other items, they can be used to repair, identify or deconstruct other items.




Unidentified Items
Unidentified items are a cool way of adding some suspense & extra randomness to mob loots. Monsters may sometimes drop unidentified items. These items must be identified using a specific consumable in order to be used. Players are not able to see what the item does and what its stats are, unless they choose identify it.


Custom Durability System (wiki)
If you feel like a vanilla tool has not enough uses, if you have items that cannot have a vanilla durability bar, or if you made an item unbreakable to give it a custom texture meaning it can't have durability anymore, you can use the custom durability system which is pretty similar to the vanilla durability feature.
Any item can have a set amount of uses before it breaks. Items can be repaired using consumables to get some uses back, and this system also supports the Unbreaking vanilla enchant which means items will lose custom durability much slower if they have that enchant.
The item durability displays in its lore as a durability state which says how broken the item currently is. This way, if an item displays Barely Usable or Almost Broken, the player knows he needs to repair it.
Items may break or just become unusable if their durability points reach 0 depending on how the item is configured.
If you however want to let your players know exactly how broken the item is, you can use placeholders from PlaceholderAPI to display the exact number of uses left for your item.


Item Edition GUI
You can edit any item using /mi edit <type> <id>. This menu makes editing much easier: you can configure anything about your item. Every step of editing is detailed, and are displayed only the statistics your item can have.


Advanced Crafting Recipes
Players can right-click (while sneaking) a workbench to open the Advanced Workbench, which allows players to craft plugin-made items using complex items. This system supports item durability, quantity & display name. You can also set up the crafting recipe to use MMOItems as ingredients. You can control what crafting recipes players have access to by setting a permission on an advanced recipe.
Players can also click the book pile to display all the available crafting recipes, sorted by item type.


Item Particle Effects
Every item can have a particle effect which will be displayed around the player when worn/held. There are currently 7 types of particle effects, and you can choose what particule to use each time. You can also give colors to the particles you are using e.g green redstone particles.


Elemental Damage (wiki)
Elemental Damage defines the percent of your weapon damage that is dealt as elemental damage. Elemental Defense decreases a specific type of elemental damage. Particles display when hitting an enemy for every element on your item. Available elements: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Water.
Weapons with elemental damage have a chance to perform elemental critical strikes, which both increases damage dealt by elements and apply extra attack effects (Fire burns your target, Earth knocks up nearby enemies...).

Monster & Block Drop Tables (wiki)
You can set up complex drop tables for monsters and blocks. You can also drop unidentified items which will need to be identified in order to be used by players. Items from MI are also recognized in MythicMobs drop tables, which means you can make MM mobs drop or equip items from MMOItems.

Endless Possibilities
MMOItems comes with more than 60 pre-configured items. As new features are implemented, more sample items will be added to the default config to make the plugin more accessible. You can use /mi browse to open the item browser which allows you to explore all the different items you created, sorted by their item type.
You can also make your items have random stat values, this way there might be better & more valuable versions of any item around your server.


Damage & Regen Indicators
These indicators display damage dealt by players to monsters as well as health gained by players, from natural regeneration, magic regen, saturation... They can be fully edited in the main config file. These indicators require Holograms or HolographicDisplays in order to work.


Fully translatable & customizable
You can translate any message, ability, stat name, potion effect name... The item lore format can also be edited.

Vanilla Crafting Recipes
Shaped, shapeless & furnace editable crafting recipes.

Automatic Item Updates
In case you want to nerf an item that is becoming overpowered, you can use the auto updater to force the item to update for everyone on the server. Use /updateitem <type> <id>, configure a few things and from now on any old item will update whenever a player clicks it in its inventory and whenever they log on the server.

Easy to use & fully documented
MMOItems is compatible with many leveling plugins like Heroes, SkillAPI, RPGPlayerLeveling, BattleLevels. It also features commands with full tab completion support.


  • Item Customization
    • Display Name (with random placeholders), lore
    • Enchantments
    • Colored leather armor & potions
    • Unbreakable items
    • Skull Textures (supports textures from head databases)
    • Shield patterns
  • Attack Damage & Speed
  • Critical Strike Chance & Crit Power
  • Additional Max Mana
  • PvP & PvE Damage
  • Additional Health Regeneration
  • Damage against undeads (zombies, skeletons..)
  • Damage Reduction
    • Fire Damage Reduction
    • Magic Damage Reduction
    • Fall Damage Reduction
    • Physical Damage Reduction
  • Mitigation Mechanics
    • Blocking - blocking an attack blocks a portion of the damage.
    • Dodging - dodging a melee attack completely negates the damage.
    • Parrying - parrying an attack blocks a portion of the damage and knocks the enemy back.
      • All these systems also feature cooldowns which can be reduced by another item stat.
  • Vanilla Attributes
    • Armor & Armor Toughness
    • Maximum Health
    • Knockback Resistance
    • Movement Speed
  • Arrow Particles for bows
  • Potions Effects when wearing/holding/using an item
  • Gem Stone Options
    • Item Type Restrictions
    • Success Rate
  • Two Handed weapons (1.9+)
    • Players receive Slow IV when holding one two handed item and one other item simultaneously.
  • (Shift-) Right/Left-click & On-hit Abilities
  • Right-click Commands
  • Stats for consumables
    • Health & food restoration
    • Saturation restoration
    • Repair Power - drag & drop to repair your item.
    • Item Identification & Deconstruction
  • Item Restrictions
    • Permissions
    • Classes & Levels from RPG plugins
    • Unidentified Items
    • Soulbound Items
  • Much more in-game... :]





  • /gemstones shows gems stones applied onto the item you are holding.
  • /updateitem updates the item being held.
  • /updateitem <type> <item-id> toggles on the item updater for a specific item.
  • /advancedworkbench opens the advanced workbench.
  • /soulbound displays soulbound info on the item you are holding.
  • /mi create <item-type> <item-id> creates a new item.
  • /mi copy <item-type> <item-id> <target-item-id> duplicates an existing item.
  • /mi load <item-type> <item-id> loads the item in your hand (supports textures by durability & custom skulls).
  • /mi delete <item-type> <item-id> deletes an existing item.
  • /mi edit <item-type> <item-id> opens up the item edition menu.
  • /mi ability <ability> (player) (mod1) (val1) (mod2) (val2)... forces a player to cast an ability (supports ability modifiers).
  • /mi drop <type> <item-id> <world> <x> <y> <z> <drop-chance> <[min]-[max]> <unidentification-chance>
  • mi <type> <item> (player) (min-max) (unidentification-chance) (drop-chance) gives an item to a player.
  • /mi browse allows you to explore all the items you created.
  • /mi itemlist <type> shows the list of all items in that specific item type.
  • /mi (un)identify (un)identifies the item you are holding.
  • /mi heal heals you (improved /essentials:heal) without removing the positive potion effects.
  • /mi info gives information about a player (detected RPG level & class)
  • /mi reload reloads the plugin.
  • /mi reload adv-recipes reloads custom recipes.
  • /mi list shows the in-game plugin documentation.
  • /mi help <page> shows the plugin help page.
Having issues with the chat edition feature? Use /mimsg <message>
  • mmoitems.op - permission for admin commands.
  • mmoitems.bypass.level - bypasses the item level restriction.
  • mmoitems.bypass.item - bypasses the item permission restriction.
  • mmoitems.bypass.ability - bypasses the ability permission restriction.
  • mmoitems.bypass.class - bypasses the item class restriction.
  • mmoitems.update - allows to use /updateitem.
  • mmoitems.awb - allows to use /advancedwb.
  • mmoitems.soulbound grants access to /soulbound.

While downloading the plugin, you agree to the following:
  • You are not allowed to -Redacted-, resell, or give this plugin to anyone else.
  • You are not allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.
  • You can only use it on your networks.
  • You are allowed to download this plugin from the official site only.
  • Bugs may be reported in the discussion section or on the support discord channel.
  • I reserve the right to change the terms at any time; therefore you have to agree to the most recent version of them.
  • There will be no refunds.
  • An installation guide is available on the wiki.

Latest updates

  1. 5.3

  2. 5.1.1

  3. 5.1.1


Latest reviews

Not working with newest version of MMoLib, needs updating.
Thanks for the plugin :D
There is startup error. java.lang.ClassFormatError: -Redacted- exception table range in class file net/Indyuce/mmoitems/version/SpigotPlugin
Many thanks!
Thank you so much for updating it!

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