  • Team selecting GUI
  • Auto coloring items (like armor and so)
  • Resource Spawners (you can have as much as you want)
  • Player statistics
  • And many more useful features..
Player commands (no permissions needed):
/bw join <arena> - Join to arena
/bw leave - Leave from arena
/bw list - List of active games
/bw stats - Show your statistics
/bw rejoin - Join again to latest game you played
/bw autojoin - Join to first waiting game

Needed Admin permission or
/bw stats [player] - Show statistics of player

Admin commands (needed permission: bw.admin):
/bw reload - Reloads plugin
/bw dump - Uploads dump with useful information and gives you link that you can provide on our discord
/bw mainlobby [enable|set] - Enables main lobby or sets main lobby location
/bw addholo - Adds hologram to player's location
/bw removeholo - After executing this command, the player can right-click the holographic statistic to remove it.
/bw admin <arena> info [section] - Show you all information about arena
/bw admin <arena> add - Create new arena
/bw admin <arena> lobby - Sets lobby position to your position
/bw admin <arena> spec - Sets specatator's position to your position
/bw admin <arena> pos1 - Sets the extreme point of the arena to your position
/bw admin <arena> pos2 - Sets the second extreme point of the arena to your position
/bw admin <arena> pausecountdown <seconds> - Sets the pause duration before game starts
/bw admin <arena> minplayers <minimum> - Sets minimum of players needed to start the game
/bw admin <arena> time <seconds> - Sets the game duration
/bw admin <arena> team add <team> <color> <max players> - Add team to game
/bw admin <arena> team color <team> <color> - Change team color
/bw admin <arena> team maxplayers <team> <max players> - Change max team players
/bw admin <arena> team spawn <team> - Sets team spawn to your position
/bw admin <arena> team bed <team> - Sets team bed to your target position
/bw admin <arena> jointeam <team> - Sets the ability to connect to a team using an entity
/bw admin <arena> spawner add <bronze|gold|iron> [enable hologram] [starting level - default: 1] [custom name] [[team name] [max spawned resources] or just [max spawned resources] without team name] - Add item spawner to your position
/bw admin <arena> spawner reset - Remove all spawners
/bw admin <arena> store add [name of villager entity] [file with shop] [use main shop] - Add trading villager to your position
/bw admin <arena> store remove - Remove trading villager from your position
/bw admin <arena> store type <living entity> - Sets entity type of store (Villager, Horse, Cow, Pig etc.)
/bw admin <arena> config <constant> <value> - Sets value of constant variable for game
/bw admin <arena> arenatime <type> - Sets time in arena (DAY, NIGHT, etc.)
/bw admin <arena> arenaweather <type> - Sets weather in arena (default, CLEAN, DOWNFALL)
/bw admin <arena> remove - Remove the arena
/bw admin <arena> edit - Turns the game off and switches the arena to edit mode
/bw admin <arena> save - Saves the game and activates it!
Sign creation:
  • On the first line write [BedWars] or [BWGame]
  • On the second line the name of arena for join or leave for leave
  • For the first sign update join to game

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Nice crap
crap, fuck you

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