• Display Shops • A New Approach To Player Shops •

 FREE • Display Shops • A New Approach To Player Shops • 2.0

This update is pretty big with internal changes. Of course, please report any issues that occur!

⍟ Bug Fixes ⍟
  • Fixed an issue causing chat interactions to be canceled and/or not function correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where distance calculation between a player and a shop would cause some displays to vanish until updated through re-logging or another method.
  • Fixed an issue where display hiding methods would cause a weird flickering effect with a result of a vanishing display.
  • Fixed an issue where some placeholders would be skipped and not replaced correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where unloaded chunks would break the shop loading tasks. These will normally just be skipped if nothing can be done.
  • Fixed a price regulation issue when it comes to edit-menu buttons. Each button now uses the correct prices and works as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where packets would be skipped in worlds that the plugin thinks don't exist.
⍟ Changes ⍟
  • Changed the used Vault JAR to 1.7.2 and implemented many soft dependencies including CMI for better support.
  • Distance calculation between players and shops is now integer-based and is pretty snappy so no issue will occur when hiding and re-generating displays.
  • Implemented a new feature that only allows the hologram portion to be seen when the player is directly looking at it from a configurable distance. Compared to the snapshot, the glass and item will always be shown to give a nice clean effect.
  • Implemented a full pricing system for edit menu buttons.
  • Updated some GUI buttons for both the edit and transaction menu to give a cleaner and more informal look.
  • Modified some default values in the latest configuration.
  • Re-worked display functionality. The API now allows the user to show and hide the displays while also defining if the item, glass, or holograms are even displayed.
  • Some exceptions that occur will now state the shop ID at which it occurred for better debugging.
  • Shops can no longer be created at a location that has water or lava directly above its base-block. This feature is still experimental; however, just make sure your offset for the used base-block types is in that safe spot of one block above for safety from vanilla physics.
  • Shops displays can no longer be messed with in terms of lava buckets, pistons, or any other weird visual glitches under the same category.
  • Lava buckets, in particular, are unable to be used in a 3 block radius of a shop just for the safety of wood materials without firing extra events.
This update is, in fact, a snapshot. Though this update has been heavily tested, issues are able to occur so please be patient and report issue you encounter!

⍟ Fixes ⍟
  • Fixed a couple of internal display issues involving chunk entering and exiting.
  • Fixed a minor issue involving some block placement event overriding from other plugins.
⍟ Changes ⍟
  • Implemented 1.15 packets for displays, action bar messages, and automatic detections/updaters.
  • Added an optional price feature to each of the buttons under the edit menu. Some prices will take place by default so make sure to set them to zero after the update is complete.
  • Implemented a new display setting for distance control. By default, the option is set to 16 (size of a normal chunk) and will hide/show based on the player's distance from a shop /w world checking as well, of course.
  • Implemented another display option which only displays a shop's hologram when directly looked at. This feature must be enabled and the distance feature mentioned above will be converted into the range at which this takes effect.
Please note this update contains an internal experiment, so if any issues occur such as 'commands not working' then report it as soon as possible.

⍟ Changes ⍟
  • Replaced the original offset option in the config with a new string list that allows per material-specific offsets!
  • Implemented an all-new per-player base-block material feature. Players can now either use the default base-block defined in the configuration or if given the new 'displayshops.bbm.<material-name>' that block will be used for that specific player instead.
  • Changed the packaging of internal files and implemented a new key obfuscation while still allowing access to API methods (This is more of an experiment, but please report any issues you may encounter).
⍟ Fixes ⍟
  • Fixed an issue with the numerical format methods.
  • Fixed some rare display flickers in 1.8-R1.
• Fixes •
  • Fixed an issue where visuals would flicker when the Y-axis is changed for the player by increments of 10.
• Changes •
  • Added a background item option for the edit menu.
  • Added a shop-item blocking list to prevent specific items from being sold.
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