QuantumRPG | 1.9 - 1.13

 QuantumRPG | 1.9 - 1.13 5.0.5

QuantumRPG | 1.9 - 1.13
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~ qtChan


(机器翻译 / Machine translation)


The most advanced, cheap, customizable, configurable, and complete RPG plugin!
It contains almost everything you may need to create an (MMO)RPG server!


Configuring the plugin and learning how it works may take a lot of time. Default configs are samples and not supposed to be used in production out of box.

Wiki website is outdated and will be updated soon.
Plugin page is a bit outdated and will also be updated soon.

Online counter (may be buggy):


Everything is customizable!
You can customize 90% of the plugin! All strings, values, text, item options, effects!

Custom Damage Types
Create your own unique damage types and attach them to the weapons!
Hit Actions:
• Define the custom actions, that will happens when hit enemy!
• Such as particles, commands, sounds and much more!
Damage Modifiers:
• Multiply damage depends on Biome
• Multiply damage depends on MythicMob type and it's faction.

Custom Defense Types
Create your own custom defense types, that will reduce the damage from custom damage types and specified sources!
Damage Reducing:
• Block damage from specified custom Damage Types.
• Define the custom damage formula for each defense type.

Bows Ammo Types
Customize your bows by changing the projectile type it will shoot!
Available types:
• Arrow
• Snowball
• Egg
• Fireball
• Wither Skull
• Shulker Bullet
• Llama Spit
• Ender Pearl
• Exp Bottle

Weapon Hands
Customize your weapon by adding hand type on it!
There are 2 hand types at the moment: One-Handed and Two-Handed. Two-Handed items can only be hold in the main hand and disallows to hold any items in offhand.

Item Customization
Customize the plugin items by using the following settings:
• Item Material.
• Item Display Name.
• Item Lore.
• Item Flags (Hide Enchants, Attributes, etc).
• Item Color (Leather Armor, Potion color).
• Custom skull textures.
• Add unbreakable attribute.
• Add custom model data.
• Add enchants or enchantment glow.

Item Player Requirements
Customize your items with flexible item requirements! Make players to be in specific level range to be able to use the item, or make item be usable only for specified classes!

Also, item requirements can be different depends on item level! For example, for item level 1 you can require player to be level 1-5, for item level 5 - player to be level 10+, etc.

Items with requirements will have dynamic lore, which updates every time you drop and pickup the item and open inventory, so player will always know if he can use the item. Also, you can disallow players to even hold the item in hand if they doesn't meet the requirements.

Available player requirements:
Player Level. Depends on level plugin specified in the config.
Player Class. Depends on the class plugin specified in the config.
Player Soulbound. Requires player to set a soulbound on item to be able to use it. Soulbound will make item untradeable.
Are you developer? You can create your own requirements!

Item Stats (25+)
Direct Damage - Direct damage - ignores armor.
PvP Damage - PvP damage modifier.
PvE Damage - PvE damage modifier.
Dodge Chance - Chance to dodge the attack.
Block Rate - Chance to block the attack.
Block Damage - Block damage modifier.
PvP Defense - PvP defense modifier.
PvE Defense - PvE defense modifier.
Critical Rate - Chance to deal critical strike.
Critical Damage - Critical damage modifier.
Movement Speed - Increase movement speed.
Durability - Custom item durability. Can be unbreakable.
Penetration - Ignores the % of enemy defense.
Attack Speed - Increases the attack speed of weapon.
Vampirism - Restores the health by a % of dealt damage.
Accuracy Rate - Chance to prevent enemy's dodge.
Max Health - Increases the max health.
Range - Increase the weapon damage distance.
AoE Damage - Damage all nearby entities by a % of dealt damage.
Burn Rate - Chance to burn the enemy.
Loot Rate - Increase the chance to get items.
Disarm Rate - Chance to disarm the enemy.
Bleed Rate - Chance to make the enemy bleed.
Sale Price - Increases the item sale price.
Health Regen - Increases the health regeneration.
Mana Regen - Increases the mana regeneration.
Thornmail - Returns % of the received damage back to attacker.

Active Items
Allows you to create custom items with custom actions on use!
Custom Actions:
• Define, what the item will do when player uses it!
• Execute commands from console, op or by a player.
• Play sounds and particle effects.
• Select the target by conditions and apply actions on it.
• Apply potion effects.
• And a lot more! Check the wiki...
Upon 4th different actions:
• Define the mouse (left, right) keys with in a shift key combination and assign custom actions and cooldown for each.
Custom Variables:
• Define your own custom variables, that may be different on each item level, and use them in item actions - make the item more flexible.
Player Requirements:
• Add player requirements such as class and level to allow use the item.
Limit Item Usage:
• Define the amount of item uses depends on item level before it will disappear.
• Or make it unlimited!

Allows you to create custom arrows with custom effects!
Additional Stats:
• Define the addtional Item Stat bonus the arrow will apply on entity hit.
• Item Stats may be positive and negative and can be applied to both - shooter and receiver.
• Additional Item Stats may be as a multiplier to the current stats of shooter/receiver.
Additional Damage:
• Make arrow do additional damage with any damage type!
• Or reduce the current shooter damage.
• Additional Damage may be as a multiplier to the current shooter damage.
Defense Ignoring:
• Make the arrow ignore enemy's defense by a type!
• Or vice versa - add the additional defense to enemy.
• Additional Defense may be as a mutliplier to the current enemy defense.
Custom Actions on Fly:
• Make arrow doing custom actions while flying!
• Such as adding particle trail or whatever you want.
Custom Actions on Hit:
• Make arrow doing custom actions when hit the entity or block.
• Such as damage all enemies in a range.
• Play sounds and particle effects.
• Burn the enemy!

Combat Log
Displays the amount of dealt damage in action bar with an ability to display latest logs.
Combat Indicators:
▸ Depends on HolographicDisplays.
▸ Display type and amount of dealt damage upon enemy's head.
▸ Display the combat state: "Critical", "Dodge", "Block".
▸ Display type and amount of regenerated health upon enemy's head.
Combat Logs:
▸ Play sounds on different combat states.
▸ Show latest logs in a chat with full combat details.
▸ Show amount and damage types, amount of blocked damage by enemy's defense, damage modifiers, enchant protection factor and more...

Create custom food with custom effects! For vanilla foods and potions it will have the vanilla eat animation.
Overfeed Control:
• Allow/Disallow consuming on full hunger bar.
• Allow/Disallow consuming on full health bar.
Player Requirements:
• Define the class requirements to consume the item.
• Define the level requirements to consume the item.
Item Saturation:
• Define the amount of health restore on conusme.
• Define the amount of hunger restore on consume.
• Define how many times item can be consumed depends on item level.
• Or make it unlimited!
Custom Actions:
• Define the custom actions on item consume.
• Execute commads.
• Play sounds and particles.
• Add potion effects.

Custom Items
A good way to create the 'static' items, but with some randomized stats.
You can add any item stat, damage and defense types, hand types, level and class restrictions, leather and potion colors, skull textures, item flags, enchantments, soulbound and more more more.
Custom Actions:
• Define, what the item will do when player uses it!
• Execute commands from console, op or by a player.
• Play sounds and particle effects.
• Select the target by conditions and apply actions on it.
• Apply potion effects.
• And a lot more! Check the wiki...
Upon 4th different actions:
• Define the mouse (left, right) keys with in a shift key combination and assign custom actions and cooldown for each.
Randomized Stats:
• Generate Item Stats, Damage and Defense types with random values in a specified range.
• Add enchantments with a random level from a range.
Player Requirements:
• Add player requirements such as class and level to allow use the item.
Limit Item Usage:
• Define the amount of item uses depends on item level before it will disappear.
• Or make it unlimited!

Classes and Leveling New! DEMO!
This is DEMO version of the classes module. Some of features are not implemented yet.
You can create custom classes, but skills are not included.
You can create custom skills if you can code Java (take one of default ones as a base).
More default skills for any class types will be included in the next updates.

Provides class and leveling system for your players with class skills and attributes.
Class Features:
• Icon with custom name and description.
• Permission requirement to use class.
• Execute custom actions on class select.
• Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI.
▸ Define unlimited amount of sub-classes for parent class.
▸ Define the min. level, when sub-classes are unlocked.
▸ Players can switch between the sub-classes with saving leveling info.
Class Selection:
• GUI to browse available classes and sub-classes.
• Option to auto popup selection GUI on join or when sub-classes are available.
• Define default player class on first join (or none).
• Define the cooldown for class selection or make selection once.
(Not implemented yet) Combine cooldown selection with plugin Profiles feature to allow player create another in-game account for other character.
Class Stats and Attributes:
• Display current health and mana via customizable boss bar.
Vanilla attributes:
▸ Define start value, per level value and max. value for all of them.
Armor Toughness
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Flying Speed
Knockback Resistance
Max. Health
Movement Speed
New class stats:
▸ Define start value, per level value and max. value for all of them.
Cooldown reduction: Reduces skills cooldown.
Exp Bonus: Increases incoming exp.
Health Regen: Increases amount of health regenerating.
Mana Regen: Increases amount of mana regeneration.
Mana: Defines class mana values.
Max Mana: Defines class max. mana.
Class Aspects:
▸ Another sort of class attributes, which can be improved with Aspect Points by player.
▸ Provides 4 aspects: Strength, Defense, Dexterity, Intillegence.
▸ Each aspect has start value and max value that can be different for each class.
▸ Each aspect has a list of affected player Item Stats, Damage and Defense types, that can be different for each class. Example: Strength for warrior can improve physical damage, while Strength for archer improve critical rate.
Class Mana:
▸ Each class can have custom mana name and char, like Blood for vampires, Energy for warriors, etc.
▸ Each class can have it's own mana regeneration value.
• Define start and max. level for each class.
• Define start exp for each class.
• Define custom exp formula for each class.
• Define amount of skill and aspect points per level for each class.
• Execute custom actions on specified levels for each class.
• Define the min. level to join specified worlds.
• Define the whitelist/blacklist of worlds, where players can/can't gain exp.
• Define the whitelist/blacklist of WorldGuard regions, where players can/can't gain exp.
• Define the blacklist of entity spawn reason to prevent gain exp from spawners, eggs, etc.
• Enable/Disable using config exp tables. When disabled, exp will be used from dropped vanilla exp.
• Define chance, min. and max. exp value for each entity type or MythicMob.
Exp Losing:
▸ Enable/Disable losing exp on death.
▸ Define the percent of current exp, that will be lost.
▸ Enable/Disable negative exp. When enabled, player can lost exp until the current negative exp value will be equals to the max. exp value; after that player level will be downgraded.
Exp Balancing:
▸ Supported mob level plugins: MythicMobs
▸ Enable/Disable exp decreasing for level difference between mob and player. When player level is higher than mob level, you can decrease exp from this mob for each X levels difference by Y% for Z times.
▸ Enable/Disable exp increasing. The same as above, but increase exp when player level is lower than mob level.
NOTE: You can create custom skills if you can code Java.
• Passive and active skills.
• Each skill can be given to any class.
• Define the max. level for each skill.
• Change skill name, description and icon.
• Define player class requirements for each skill level.
• Define player other skill requirements for each skill level.
• Define mana consuming for each skill level.
• Define cooldown for each skill level.
• Modify any skill values via config.
Magic plugin support:
▸ Allows you to cast Magic spells using combos!
▸ Use mouse keys to cast your active skills!
▸ Supported keys: Left, Right, Shift+Left, Shift+Right
▸ Enable/Disable combo usage only when holding weapon.
▸ Define combo length to cast skill (3 keys by default).
▸ Define time to press next key until combo will be cancelled.
▸ Customize combo display format including key names.
▸ Define the first combo key to start combo.
▸ Define the alternate start combo key for items like Bows and Tridents.
▸ Players can build their own combo for any of their active skill!
▸ GUI to build skill combo.

Drop manager for QPRG's items.
Group Multipliers:
• Define the drop chance multiplier for specified permission groups.
Drop Tables:
• Create drop tables with your own drop conditions and list of items.
• An option to enable only one item drop from the table.
• Level Penalty. Define the max. level difference between the mob and player, when items should not drop.
• World white-list.
• Biome white-list.
WorldGuard region black-list.
Drop Items:
▸ Drop chance for each item.
▸ Plugin item id and module type.
▸ Min. and max. item level with a formula.
▸ Custom Actions on drop.
Mob Tables:
• An option to select only one random drop table to drop items.
• Vanilla entity type white-list.
MythicMobs white-list.
• SpawnReason black-list.
• List of Drop Tables to drop items from.

Essences can be socketed in your items to give you animated particle effects.
Essence Items:
▸ Define custom socketing chance, that could be different depends on essence level, for each item by a raw value or math expression with placeholders.
▸ Define the final socket display on target item lore.
▸ Define the particle settings, such as offset, particle name, speed, amount, etc.
▸ Define the target item requirements such as item type/material, item level, that could be different depends on essence level.
▸ Make items re-usable! Define the amount of item uses, before it will disappear. This means you can use the same item multiple times on multiple items.
▸ Socketing is done via customizable and simple GUI, where player can preview the result.
▸ Allow/Disallow to have the same essences in one item.
▸ Execute custom actions on successful and failured socketing, such as: custom commands, play particles and sounds, send messages, and much more! Check the wiki...
▸ Define if target item and/or essence should be destroyed on unsuccessful socketings.
▸ Define if item filled sockets should be wiped in case of unsuccessful socketing.
▸ Define the silent chance bonus after each unsuccessful socketing. This will add extra chance to the essence socket chance to help players in socketing.

Provides an abilty to extract certain item sockets. Extraction is done via customizable and simple GUI, where player can select the socket type and then certain socket to extract.
Extraction Tools:
▸ Create custom extraction items to allow players make extraction without using command or NPC.
▸ Define the tool requirements such as item type and level.
Vault Compatibility:
▸ Define the extraction price for each socket type with a raw number or math expression.
Citizens Compatibility:
▸ Attach the Extraction GUI to a NPC that will open it on click.
▸ Includes permission node to able to use GUI.

Protect your items from being destroyed or downgraded on unsuccessful enchanting with fortified stones!
Fortify Items:
▸ Create unlimited amount of different fortify items for different items and with different settings!
▸ Define the custom fortify chance for each item depends on its level!
▸ Define the plugin modules, that will be affected to fortify item. Such as: fortify for gems, but not for runes, etc.
▸ Define the applicable item requirements, such as item type/material and level.
▸ Add customizable item prefix/suffix to show that item is fortified.
▸ Display fortify information in item lore, such as fortify item, fortify chance, and affected modules.

Improve your equipment by socketing gems! Increase item stats, damage and defense values!
Gem Items:
▸ Define custom socketing chance, that could be different depends on gem level, for each item by a raw value or math expression with placeholders.
▸ Define the final socket display on target item lore.
▸ Define the damage, defense and item stat bonuses, that could be different depends on gem level.
▸ Define the target item requirements such as item type/material, item level, that could be different depends on gem level.
▸ Make items re-usable! Define the amount of item uses, before it will disappear. This means you can use the same item multiple times on multiple items.
▸ Socketing is done via customizable and simple GUI, where player can preview the result.
▸ Allow/Disallow to have the same gems in one item.
▸ Execute custom actions on successful and failured socketing, such as: custom commands, play particles and sounds, send messages, and much more! Check the wiki...
▸ Define if target item and/or gem should be destroyed on unsuccessful socketings.
▸ Define if item filled sockets should be wiped in case of unsuccessful socketing.
▸ Define the silent chance bonus after each unsuccessful socketing. This will add extra chance to the gem socketing chance to help players in socketing.

Another great plugin aspect is unidentified items! These items does not have any stats until being identified. To identify the item you have to use identify tome.
Unidentified Items:
▸ Define the final item type by specifying plugin module name and item id.
• Define which tomes can identify this item.
Identify Tomes:
• Define the min. and max. level.
• Define amount of uses for each level.
• Define target item requirements such as item level and type.

Item Hints
Highlights item names and adds glow effect on it while on the ground. You can disable certain items from being affected by this module depends on item name, lore, material, module, etc.

Creates a lootbox on entity death with all entity drops.
Lootbox Features:
▸ Drop protection. Only killer can open it.
▸ Auto-removing lootbox after X seconds.
▸ Entity type blacklist.
MythicMobs blacklist.
▸ World blacklist.
WorldGuard region blacklist.
▸ SpawnReason blacklist.
▸ Custom texture for lootbox.
▸ Lootbox particles on stay and remove.
▸ Display Hologram info. Depends on HolographicDisplays.
Party Module:

Drop Mode - Auto: Selects the random party member and makes it as drop owner.
Drop Mode - Leader: All lootboxes will be bound to the party leader.
Drop Mode - Killer: The owner is the killer.
Drop Mode - Roll: Lootbox can be opened by any perty member, but when someone tries to take the item, the roll task will start, then party members, who would like to take the item, can roll the dice with random number. The highest roll number will be able to take the item from the lootbox.

Magic Dust
Provides an ability to improve the item socketing success chance by applying magic dust on it.
Magic Dust Items:
▸ Define custom chance increasing value, that could be different for dust level, for each item with the maximal possible value.
▸ Define the target item requirements, such as item type/material, item level and module.
▸ Define the amount of dust uses before it will disappear, for each dust level.
Main Features:
▸ Item socket rate can be improved via customizable and simple GUI.
▸ Define the custom actions on successful and incompleted improvement, such as custom commands, sounds, effects, messages, and much more! Check the wiki...
Citizens Compatibility:
▸ Attach magic dust GUI to a NPC, that will open it on click.
▸ Includes the permission to be able to use the GUI.

A complete party system for your players, fully compatible with the whole plugin and other plugins as well!
Party Creation:
• Define the maximal party size and change it depends on player permission group.
• Define if party should be auto-disbanded when leader leaves.
Party Interaction:
• Party GUI with interactive buttons.
• Sounds for each party action.
• Chat channel for party members.
• Teleport to party members with cooldown.
• Auto-transfer party leader when current leader leaves.
• Wait for player reconnect before auto-kick from the party.
Party Drop Mode:
Requires Loot module enabled to work.
Free mode: Allows any party member to view and take loot.
Auto mode: Selects random party member and make him owner of the loot.
Leader mode: Allows only party leader to view and take loot.
Roll mode: Allows any party member view and click the loot to start Roll the Dice. The right of possession of rolled item will be given to the member with highest dice value.
Party Exp Mode:
▸ Plugins supported: SkillAPI, QuantumRPG
Shared mode: Will balance the exp between all the party members in specified range.
Killer mode: Will give the exp only to the mob killer.
Quest Objectives:
▸ Plugins supported: QuestCreator, MangoQuest
Mob kill objective: Counts the kill for each party member quest in specified radius from the mob.

Provides an ability to improve player equipment's stats by using special items!
Refine Items:
▸ Define the amount of uses before item will disappear, for each item level.
▸ Define the damage, defense and item stat bonuses for each item depends on item level.
▸ Define the item refine success rate by a raw value or with math expression with placeholders, that could be different for item level.
▸ Define the target item requirements such as item type/material, item level and module.
▸ Define how many refine levels item will lost on unsuccessful refine depends on current item refine level.
Main Features:
▸ Refine is done via customizable and simple GUI with result preview.
▸ Execute custom actions on successful and unsuccessful refining, such as custom commands, effects, sounds, and much more! Check the wiki...
▸ Define the maximal possible refine level for all items.
▸ Display item refine level as prefix of suffix in item name.
▸ Display refine information in item lore.
▸ Define the silent rate bonus for each unsuccessful refining. This option will add extra refine chance to help player make successful refine.

Provides an ability to repair damaged items with custom plugin durability.
Repair Modes:
Material: Repair item with item material.
Exp: Repair item with experience.
Vault: Repair item with money. Depends on Vault + Economy plugin.
Material Tables and Groups:

• Create material groups with materials list.
• Create material tables, attach it to material groups and provide the items it can repair.
Anvil Repair:
▸ Repair is done via customizable and simple GUI, where player can select the repair type.
▸ An ability to bind custom repair GUI to vanilla anvil.
▸ Execute custom actions of successful or incompleted repair, such as custom commands, sounds, effects, and much more! Check the wiki...
Repair Items:
▸ Provides a faster way of item repair without using GUI.
▸ Define the repair amount in percent value, that could be different for item level.
▸ Define the target item requirements such as item type/material, item level and module.

Provides an ability to dismantle plugin item to source materials.
▸ Dismantle is done via customizable and simple GUI with result preview.
▸ Create custom source tables, specify the module and define module item ids, that will be allowed to dismantle. Then define the result and price, that could be different for item level.
▸ Execute custom actions of successful or incompleted dismantle, such as custom commands, sounds, effects, and much more! Check the wiki...
Dismantle Items:
▸ Provides a faster way to dismantle items without using GUI.
▸ Define the amount of item uses before it will disappear, that could be different for item level.
▸ Define the target item requirements, such as item type/material, item level and module.

Runes can be socketed in your items to give you potion effects.
Essence Items:
▸ Define custom socketing chance, that could be different depends on rune level, for each item by a raw value or math expression with placeholders.
▸ Define the final socket display on target item lore.
▸ Define the particle settings, such as offset, particle name, speed, amount, etc.
▸ Potion effect level will be the same as rune level.
▸ Make items re-usable! Define the amount of item uses, before it will disappear. This means you can use the same item multiple times on multiple items.
▸ Socketing is done via customizable and simple GUI, where player can preview the result.
▸ Allow/Disallow to have the same runes in one item.
▸ Execute custom actions on successful and failured socketing, such as: custom commands, play particles and sounds, send messages, and much more! Check the wiki...
▸ Define if target item and/or rune should be destroyed on unsuccessful socketing.
▸ Define if item filled sockets should be wiped in case of unsuccessful socketing.
▸ Define the silent chance bonus after each unsuccessful socketing. This will add extra chance to the rune socket chance to help players in socketing.

Provides an ability to sell plugin items for money.
• Price modifier for item level.
• Increase price for item type.
• Price modifier for Item Stat.
• Price modifier for Damage Types.
• Price modifier for Defense Types.
• Increase price for refine level.
• Increase price for item sockets.
• Increase price for filled item sockets.
• Increase price for module item ID.
• Sell GUI with total price preview.

Create custom item sets and define bonuses for wearing the specified parts amount of the set.
Set Items:
• Define the set item prefix and suffix or remove them.
• Define the set color.
• Define the items amount and item materials of the set.
Item Format:
• Dynamic Lore: Highlights the equipped parts of the set and active set bonuses.
• Define the lore order for item set info.
Stats, Damage, Defense and Potion Effect bonuses:
• Amount of bonuses are limited only to the amount of Stats/Damage/Defense types.
• Bonuses are sums from all set parts like 2 parts + 4 parts.
• Bonuses may be both positive and negative.
• Bonuses may be as a multiplier to the current stats of holder.

Allows to attach some limitations to the items such as soulbound and untradeable state.
• Block specified commands while holding untradeable item.
• Bind untradeable items to the owner on interact, drop and pickup.
• Allow/Disallow to drop untradeable items.
• Allow/Disallow to drop untradeable items on death.
• Soulbound GUI.

Item Generator
Powerful fully random item generator. Generate items with randomized stats, damage, defense, sockets, enchants and more.
• Tier name and color
• Random item name prefix and suffix.
• Prefix and suffix chance.
• List of black/white listed materials.
• Material/Model data list for item textures.
• Player level requirements depends on item level.
• Player class requirements.
• Randomized Item Stats, Damage and Defense.
• Min. and max. amount of Item Stats, Damage and Defense Types.
• Min. and max. amount of enchantments with randomized levels.
• Item stat modifiers depends on item type, like axes have +20% damage, etc
• Item stat modifiers depends on item level. Modifier is unique for each stat.
• Randomized weapon hand types.
• Randomized bow ammo types.
• Min. and max. amount of sockets.
• Randomized item sockets.

%qrpg_itemstat_<type>% - Displays the value of your attribute.
%qrpg_damage_<type>% - Displays the damage value of specified type.
%qrpg_defense_<type>% - Displays the defense value of specified type.


Commands and Permissions are on plugin wiki: http://nexwiki.info/qrpg/


Spigot 1.13+
Java 8+
JCore (included)
• Detects player permission group for group multipliers.
• Using economy in some modules for prices.
• Display damage and regen indicators.
• Display loot info for Loot module.
• Drop QRPG items from MythicMobs.
• Detects if entity is a mythic mob for some module options.
[BUG] Issues with MAX_HEALTH, VAMPIRISM and HEALTH_REGEN stats. Issues with damage from skills.
• Item player level and class requirements.
• Exp modes support in Party module.
• Item player level and class requirements.
• Item player level requirements.
• Support for placeholders and adding placeholders from QRPG.
• NPC Trait support for some modules.
• Detects entity region to use in some modules.
• Support QRPG stats in RPGInventory.
• Item player level requirements. (Power level)
• Item player class requirements.
• Item player class(race) and level requirements.

Latest updates

  1. 5.0.5


    [Fixed] Player class plugin hooks. [Fixed] A bug, where Socketed Runes with max. level does not...
  3. 4.4.5


Latest reviews

Work properly good on 1.13.1, the newest version disabling by itself on 1.13.2.

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