StrikePractice 2 – Queues, Sumo, Tournaments, PvP Bots, Best of Rounds, MySQL

 StrikePractice 2 – Queues, Sumo, Tournaments, PvP Bots, Best of Rounds, MySQL 3.0.9

StrikePractice 2 – Queues, Sumo, Tournaments, PvP Bots, Best of Rounds, MySQL
If you have ANY issues try an OLDER version located here :

StrikePractice offers you everything you need for a pvp practice server and much more for very affordable price. The plugin suits any server, no matter how many players you have and will make your server stand out. The plugin is highly configurable and has many features.


➡ Duels, Party vs Party, Party Split and Party FFA, Party vs Bots, Party Playbacks
➡ PvP Bot*
➡ Replay your fights*
➡ Create any ladder (build, combo, spleef, bedwars, skywars, horse, parkour, only bow damage, disable hunger and regen for UHC kits)
➡ Arena regeneration. Chests reset too
➡ Multiple rounds! Best of any number of rounds
➡ Premium matches queue and limit rankeds/unrankeds. Get more donations with this feature!*
➡ Customize almost everything
➡ Arena selector
➡ Fully automatic events: 1v1 Tournament, Sumo, Last Man Standing (FFA Event), King of the hill (KOTH) and Juggernaut (1 vs everyone else)
➡ FFA arenas
➡ Post match inventory view. Includes hits, longest combo, potions thrown, potions missed and potion accuracy (View after fight, can be stored in MySQL)
➡ MySQL support: stats, each kit’s elo, fights (ELO changes, inventories, kit, arena etc)
➡ Enderpearl cooldown with placeholder and above hotbar
➡ Kit Editor
➡ Customizable colored name tags
➡ Spectator mode
➡ Automatically generates a kit with armor and inventory based on the name with only 1 command ”/battlekit create <name>” and create more arenas with 1 command ”/arena copypaste”
➡ Customizable spawnitems (any item, any command)
➡ Player tablist* and Scoreboard with many placeholders and PlaceholderAPI support
➡ Open parties and public parties for streamers, staff, Youtubers and VIPs
➡ Sign stats, /stats command, customizable starting elo
➡ Addons! Leaderboards etc.* (links in ”More Information”)
➡ Multilingual. Add any language. Players can change their language with /language. English, French, Dutch and Finnish already supported
➡ Kill Cam: click the message to replay last 30 seconds of the match.
➡ Premade kits, spawnitems, arenas (Worldedit schematics, you can use for free)
➡ Performance friendly*

PlaceholderAPI – StrikePractice supports
StrikeLeaderboards – Show top stats in an inventory
LeaderHeads – Supports StrikePractice stats. More information here.
PlayerListPlus – Free tablist plugin with PlaceholderAPI support
SpigotTablistPlus (Premium) + SpigotTablistPlus StrikePractice extension
Website Leaderboards - Contact LegendEffects#7781 on Discord if you're interested in purchasing the addon.
In 1.9+ versions you may have to reset premade kits' armor with /battlekit setinv <kit name>!
Tablist is only available for 1.7 users on a 1.7 server. Use addons or other plugins to make it work on any version. Check "Addons and extensions".
Bot requires working version of Citizens. The bot doesn’t yet support combo mode, drinkable potions (splash potions of healing work) or edible things (golden apples for example). You can easily disable PvP Bot with permissions and config.yml or by removing Citizens plugin. With paperspigots, you might need to check the bot knockback in the config.yml before reporting any issues with PvP Bot's knockback.
Premium queue:
Give your players an opportunity to purchase premium matches! Give premium matches with "/premiummatches add/set <player> <number>".

How to give extra ranked/unranked matches:

Matchlimit Commands:

/matchlimit - "/matchlimit set/add unranked/ranked <player> <number>" to modify match limits. "/matchlimit update <player>" to manually update their matchlimits (for example, after giving matchlimit permissions).
Replays require a working version of Citizens. The system saves the important actions (swinning, damage, movements etc. The playback mode will replay them) either during ranked or unranked and ranked fights.

You can easily disable replays by editing the config, removing the permissions or removing the Citizens plugin.
For the maximum performance you should set ”performance-mode: true” in the config. This will override some of your settings and optimize the plugin. You can also only set the ”scoreboard: enhanced-performance: true” to optimize scoreboard performance (automatically done if you have ”performance-mode: true”)











➡ PvP Bot is able to pot and soup and comes with 4 customizable difficulties
➡ Easy Developer API

Placeholders for top 10: <top_[stats][number]> and <top_[stats][number]_value>.

MySQL must be enabled for this or "top-placeholders-require-mysql: false" in your config!

Example: Top 3 with "debuffelo" kit
- #1<top_elo_nodebuffelo1>: <top_elo_nodebuffelo1_value>
- #2<top_elo_nodebuffelo2>: <top_elo_nodebuffelo2_value>
- #3<top_elo_nodebuffelo3>: <top_elo_nodebuffelo3_value>

With PlaceholderAPI:

- #1%strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo1%: %strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo1_value%

- #2%strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo2%: %strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo2_value%

- #3%strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo3%: %strikepractice_top_elo_nodebuffelo3_value%

You can see a list of placeholders here (PlaceholderAPI is not required):

Common placeholders:

<players> ➡ Players online
<next_event_name> ➡ Name of next automatic event
<next_event_time> ➡ When next automatic event will start
<in_fight> ➡ Players fighting
<in_queue> ➡ Players in queue
<in_ranked_queue> ➡ Players in ranked queue
<in_unranked_queue> ➡ Players in unranked queue
<online_staff> ➡ Staff online
<tps> ➡ Current ticks per second
<time> ➡ Current server time

Per player (or event) placeholders:

<ping> ➡ Player’s current ping
<kills> ➡ Player’s kills
<deaths> ➡ Player’s deaths
<premiummatches> ➡ Premium matches left
<brackets_wins> ➡ Player’s brackets event wins
<lms_wins> ➡ Player’s last man standing event wins
<party_vs_party_wins> ➡ Player’s Party vs Party wins
<player> ➡ Player’s name
<custom_name> ➡ Player’s custom name
<display_name> ➡ Player’s display name
<world> ➡ Player’s current world
<global_elo> ➡ Player’s current global elo
<elo_rank> ➡ Player's elo rank
<elo_kit> ➡ Player’s elo of the kit (for example <elo_rankedbuilduhc>)
<party_members> ➡ Number of members in the player’s party
<party_owner> ➡ Owner of the player’s party or “None” if not found
<enderpearl_cooldown> ➡ Player’s current enderpearl cooldown or “--” if the player is no longer on cooldown
<is_enderpearl_cooldown> ➡ true if the player is on cooldown, otherwise false
<arena> ➡ Player’s current arena or “None” if the player is not fighting
<kit> ➡ Player’s current kit or “None” if the player is not fighting
<raw_arena> ➡ Raw name of the player’s arena (not display name)
<raw_kit> ➡ Raw name of the player’s kit (not icon name)
<ranked> ➡ “true” if the player’s current queue/fight is ranked, otherwise “false”
<is_cooldown_(tag)> ➡ ”true” if the player is on cooldown. Tag can be ”sumo” or “brackets” for example.
<cooldown _(tag)> ➡ Duration left of the cooldown. Tag can be ”sumo” or “brackets” for example.
<duration> ➡ Duration of the player’s current fight or brackets 1v1
<total_duration> ➡ Total duration of the player’s current event or “--:--” if the event hasn’t started
<opponent> ➡ Player’s 1v1 opponent.
<opponent_ping> ➡ Opponent's ping
<cps> ➡ Clicks per second
<opponent_cps> ➡ Opponent’s clicks per second
<total_rounds> ➡ Total rounds of the fight
<round> - current round ➡ Current round
<own_wins> ➡ Rounds won
<opponent_wins> ➡ Opponent’s rounds won
<is_bestof> ➡ true/false whether the match is best of x rounds
<build> ➡ ”true” if the kit is build
<is_ffa> ➡ true if the player is in a ffa arena, otherwise false
<is_party> ➡ true if the player is in a party, otherwise false
<ended> ➡ true if the current fight has ended, otherwise false
<ffa_players> ➡ Number of players in the ffa arena
<ffa_rollback> ➡ Time till next ffa arena rollback
<sumo/juggernaut/koth/lms/brackets_started> ➡ Event has started , true or false
<enemy_team_members> ➡ Number of the player’s enemy team members in Party Vs Bots, Party Vs Party or Party Split
<own_team_members> ➡ Number of the player’s own team members in Party Vs Bots or Party Split
<enemy_team_left> ➡ Number of alive members in the player’s enemy team in Party Vs Bots, Party FFA, Party Split or Party vs Party
<own_team_left> ➡ Number of alive members in the player’s own team in Party Vs Bots, Party FFA, Party Split or Party Vs Party
<search_range1> ➡ Player’s current queue search starting range or “➡” if it’s an unranked kit
<search_range1> ➡ Player’s current queue search end range or “-” if it’s an unranked kit
<queuetype> ➡ "Ranked" or "Unranked" while in queue.
<wait_time> ➡ Time the player has waited in queue
<current_fight_player1> ➡ Player in the current brackets or sumo, or “--” if the event hasn’t started yet
<current_fight_player2> ➡ The other player in the current brackets or sumo, or “--”...
<player1_ping> and <player2_ping> ➡ The brackets or sumo players' pings.
<player1_cps> and <player2_cps> ➡ The brackets or sumo players' clicks per second.
<players_left> ➡ Players left in the tournament
<total_players> ➡ Total players in the tournament
<estimated_time_left> ➡ Estimated duration of the tournament
<alive> ➡ Players alive in brackets or last man standing event
<timer> ➡ KOTH current capping time
<capper> ➡ The capper in KOTH event
<capper_team> ➡ The capping team in KOTH event
<juggernaut> ➡ The juggernaut in Juggernaut event
<limits_update> ➡ When match limits will update again (HH:mm)
<rankeds_left> ➡ Number of ranked matches left
<rank> ➡ Player's elo rank (if enabled)
<unrankeds_left> ➡ Number of unranked matches left


If you’re looking for permissions check “Permissions ➡ Command Permissions”.

command - (aliases) - description

➡ /language - (/lang) -change your language
➡ /languageitem - (/li) - Admin command to manage language inventory items.
➡ /spawnitem - Admin command to manage spawnitems.
➡ /stats - (/statistics, /elo) - See your stats and elos.
➡ /strikepractice - (/sprac, /practice…) - Check this command before asking “What’s the command to do something” Many useful admin commands. For example fight cancellation, renaming items, saving data manually, /sprac setlobby, stats resetting.
➡ /playersettings - (/psettings, /settings) - Change your settings: toggle scoreboard, player hiding at spawn, duel requests and more.
➡ /playback - (/previousfights) - See your previous fights if they were recorded.
➡ /customkit - Manage your custom kit. Use admin command “/customkit items“ to manage what items players can add to their custom kit.
➡ /arena - (/battlearena) - Manage arenas. Check “Arena Creation” for more information.
➡ /battlekit - Manage kits. Check “Kit Creation” for more information.
➡ /previewkit - (/preview, /kitpreview) - Command to preview kits.
➡ /lms - (/lastmanstanding) - Command to participate and manage LMS (FFA) events.
➡ /juggernaut - Command to participate and manage juggernaut events.
➡ /brackets - Command to participate and manage brackets (1v1 tournament) events.
➡ /koth - Command to participate and manage KOTH (king of the hill) events.
➡ /spectate - (/spec, /spectator) - Command to spectate current fights.
➡ /party - (/team) - Command to create and manage your party.
➡ /duel - (/1v1) - Duel someone, accept duels or manage your duel settings.
/togglescoreboard - (/sbtoggle, /scoreboardtoggle) - Enable or disable scoreboard.
➡ /queue - (match, anon, battle, unranked, ranked) - Command to join ranked or unranked queue. If the inventories are separated “/unranked” will open the unranked queue and “/ranked” will open the ranked queue, "/premiumqueue" will always open the premium queue.
➡ /kiteditor - (/editkits) - Command to edit your kits.
➡ /matchlimit - "/matchlimit set/add unranked/ranked <player> <number>" to modify match limits. "/matchlimit update <player>" to manually update their matchlimits (for example, after giving matchlimit permissions).
➡ /premiummatches - give or set the number of player's premium matches
➡ /botduel - (/pvpbot) - Fight against the PvP Bot.
➡ /fightinfo - (/fightinventory, /clickablefightinventory) - Clickable inventory messages use this.
➡ /hostevent - Host an event automatically (with broadcast), good for donators and simple to use
➡ /events – Open GUI to host events
➡ /ranks - See your current rank & all ranks


Use strikepractice.* to give all StrikePractice permissions.

By default players should have permission to all commands they need. If you want to remove their access to something simply give them a negative permission.

Command Permissions:

strikepractice.stats ➡ /Stats
strikepractice.language ➡ /language
strikepractice.playersettings ➡ /playersettings
strikepractice.playback ➡ /playback
strikepractice.fightinfo ➡ /fightinfo (clickable inventories)
strikepractice.previewkit ➡ /previewkit
strikepractice.togglescoreboard ➡ /togglescoreboard ➡ /party
strikepractice.spectate ➡ /spec or /spectate
strikepractice.kiteditor ➡ /kiteditor (access to kit editor)
strikepractice.duel ➡ /duel
strikepractice.botduel ➡ /botduel (access to pvp bot)
strikepractice.customkit ➡ /customkit
strikepractice.premiumqueue ➡ /premiumqueue
strikepractice.queue ➡ /queue (/ranked and /unranked)
strikepractice.lms.command ➡ /lms (only join and leave)
strikepractice.juggernaut.command ➡ /juggernaut (only join and leave)
strikepractice.brackets.command ➡ /brackets (only join and leave)
strikepractice.koth.command ➡ /koth (only join and leave)
strikepractice.admin ➡ /spawnitems, /languageitem, full access to /strikepractice, /arena, /battlekit
strikepractice.hostevent ➡ Permission to use /hostevent, all events have own permissions (strikepractice.hostevent.{event name} or strikepractice.hostevent.*)
strikepractice.hostevent.anykit ➡ Permission to use "/hostevent {event} [kit name]" (only lms, brackets and koth)
strikepractice.hostevent.brackets ➡ Permission to host brackets with “/hostevent brackets”.
strikepractice.hostevent.juggernaut ➡ Permission to host juggernaut with “/hostevent juggernaut {➡random or player name}”.
strikepractice.hostevent.lms ➡ Permission to host lms with “/hostevent lms”.
strikepractice.hostevent.koth ➡ Permission to host koth with “/hostevent koth”.

Other Permissions:

strikepractice.staff ➡ Basic staff member permission (e.g. <staff_online> placeholder)
strikepractice.admin ➡ Basic admin permission (kit, arena creation, admin commands, /sprac)
strikepractice.cooldownbypass ➡ Bypass queue cooldowns (if enabled) ➡ Permission to host a brackets event ➡ Permission to host a juggernaut event ➡ Permission to host an LMS event ➡ Permission to host a KOTH event
strikepractice.publicparty ➡ Permission to host a public party
strikepractice.partylimit ➡ Permission to change the party player limit
strikepractice.openparty ➡ Permission to make your party open for anyone to join
strikepractice.customkit.armor ➡ Permission to change armor of the player's custom kit/gamemode
strikepractice.customkit.combo ➡ Permission to toggle combo mode of the player's custom kit ➡ Permission to toggle horse mode of the player's custom kit ➡ Permission to toggle build mode of the player's custom kit
strikepractice.customkit.bow ➡ Permission to toggle only bow mode of the player's custom kit
strikepractice.update ➡ Notify updates
strikepractice.partyplayback ➡ Permission to host party playbacks
strikepractice.partybots ➡ Permission to host party vs bots
strikepractice.extrarankeds.<number> and strikepractice.extraunrankeds.<number> ➡ Add ranked or unranked matches


Type “/arena” to see all arena commands.

Use all commands without “, “{” and “}”

    • Type “/arena create {arena name}” to create a new arena.
    • You must set the pos1, pos2 and center.
    • Use “/arena pos1 {arena name}” to set the first spawn position at your current position.
    • Use “/arena pos2 {arena name}” to set the second spawn position at your current position.
    • Use “/arena center {arena name}” to set the center position at your current position.
    • Build arena creation: Use “/arena build {arena name}” to toggle the build mode. Build kits will only go to build arenas and non build kits will only go to non build arenas by default
Advanced, not required:

Use “/arena kits {arena name} {kit name}” to specify a kit. After doing this only specified kits will go to this arena and no other kit will lead there and the specified kits will only go to arenas that have the kit specified. To make a spleef arena type “/arena kits {arena name} {spleef kit name}”.

You can also set “/arena corner1 {arena name}” and “/arena corner2 {arena name}”. The corners are used for some features but are not required. These locations should be in opposite corners and the other should be at bottom of the arena and the other at build limit or at the top of the arena.


Type “/battlekit” to see all kit commands.

Use all commands without “, “{” and “}”

    • Use “/battlekit create {kit name}” to create a new kit. If possible, the system will automatically create a kit with inventory and armor based on the kit's name. You can add “uhc” in the name to disable health regeneration.
    • If you don't like the kit it created automatically use the following commands:
    • Use “/battlekit setinv {kit name}” to set the inventory, armor and potion effects.
    • Use “/battlekit seticon {kit name}” to set the kit’s icon. Hold the item in your hand. You can rename the item in your hand with “/sprac rename &cExample_name”. “_” will be replaced with a whitespace.
    • Use “/battlekit build {kit name}” to toggle whether the kit is a build kit.
    • You can easily create a ranked kit from unranked kit with “/battlekit rankedcopy {kit to copy} 1v1”.
Premium Queue: Use "/battlekit types premium {kit name}" to add the kit to the premium queue inventory.

In 1.9+ versions you may have to reset premade kits' armor with /battlekit setinv <kit name>!

Advanced, not required:

  • "/Battlekit bedwars {kit name}" to enable bedwars. Place a bed near both spawn points
  • "/Battlekit healthbar {kit name}" to enable health bar under nametags.
  • You can use “/battlekit combo {kit name}” (players can be hit a lot faster).
  • You can use “/battlekit horse {kit name}” (players will spawn with a horse).
  • You can use “/battlekit bow {kit name}” (players can’t pvp, only projectiles are allowed, good for spleef kits).
  • If you want you can make the kit editable with “/battlekit editable {kit name}”
  • Use "/battlekit stickspawn {kit name}" if you don't want players to leave spawn before countdown has ended (for example sumo).
  • Use “/battlekit chestaccess {kit name}” to toggle whether people can add new items when editing the kit.
  • Use “/battlekit types {kit name} {type}” to specify types. {type} can be: any, duel, bot, queue, party-ffa, party-split or party-vs-party. You can also use "/battlekit types {kit name} !bot" to add all types except bot.
  • To allow breaking more blocks (spleef for example) type “/battlekit extramaterial {kit name}“ and hold the item in your hand. For example “/battlekit extramaterial spleef” and hold a snowblock.
  • Use /battlekit rankedcopy instead! (Or use “/battlekit mergeeditedkits {kit name} {some editable kit}” if you want to have one editable kit for two or more kits. When giving {kit name} the {some editable kit}’s edited version will load (or default if the player hasn’t edited the kit). Example: “/battlekit mergeeditedkits potionelo potion” and be sure “potion” is editable. This will result with one editable kit for both ranked and unranked kits.)
  • (You can use “/battlekit anticheat {kit name}” to enable CheatBreaker only mode).


You can change the lines in the config.
  1. Use “/sprac setediting” to set the kit editing place.
  2. Place a sign and type “[Save Kit]” in the first line. Players can click this sign to save their kit.
  3. Place a sign and type “[Reset Kit]” in the first line. Players can click this sign to reset their kit.
  4. Place a sign and type “[Leave Editor]” in the first line. Players can click this sign to teleport to the spawn.
  5. You can place a chest at the editing place to give players access to take more items (for example more speed potions). This requires that the kit has “chestaccess” (“/battlekit chestaccess {kit name}”).


  1. Place a sign.
  2. The first line must always be '[stats]'.
  3. Choose other line:
  • “kills” for kills
  • “deaths' for deaths
  • “lms' for last man standing event wins
  • “party” for party vs party wins
  • “brackets” for brackets event wins
  • “elo” and third line: the name of the kit
NOTE: You can only have one sign for each statistic

Website Leaderboards


Replace {event} with the event you are hosting. (lms, brackets, juggernaut or koth).

Use "/hostevent {event}" to automatically open the event, broadcast and start the event. If you have "strikepractice.hostevent.anykit" permission you can use "/hostevent {event} [kit name]" (only lms, brackets and koth)

Players can join an open event with “/{event} join” and leave it with “/{event} leave”

Manually host events:
You can also host events manually too. Use “/{event} open” to open the event. This allows players to join the event. Use “/{event} start” to start the event. You can manually stop the event with “/{event} stop”.

The plugin requires Java 8. To be able to use PvP Bot and replay features you must have a working version of Citizens.

1. Purchase and download the plugin.
2. Place the StrikePractice.jar in the plugins folder. Start the server and let the plugin load.
3. If you want to change anything inside the kits.yml, arenas.yml you must stop the server before editing them.
4. If you want the PvP Bot and match replay features you must have working version of Citizens.
5. This plugin supports PlaceholderAPI. You can use %strikepractice_placeholder% (For example: %strikepractice_global_elo%) or you can add more placeholders. If you want tablist for other versions than 1.7, you might want to download PlaceholderAPI and some tablist plugin that works with it, for example PlayerListPlus or BungeeTabListPlus

In 1.9+ versions you may have to reset premade kits' armor with /battlekit setinv <kit name>!

Latest updates

  1. 3.0.9

  2. 3.0.3-FULLY_NULLED

  3. 2.7.7 (DOWNGRADED-TEMP)


Latest reviews

it works
Best Plugin, please update <3
Update please
The plugin seems to make citizens not work properly
Update please to 3.1.0. But good leak :)
Please update to 3.1.0
Very nice leak but can you update to 3.1.0 please?
Can you update version 3.0.11 please :3
Thankkks! Waiting for last update :D
Thanks for the leak. Can you update to 3.11?

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