SupportChat - Premium - Bukkit/BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.14.x

 SupportChat - Premium - Bukkit/BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.14.x 1.1.6

SupportChat - Premium - Bukkit/BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.14.x

With SupportChat, players can request help through the entire BungeeCord network or your Bukkit/Spigot server. The supporters receive a notification when someone requests help and can then open a separate support chat with that user.

When MySQL is enabled in the config, the number of completed supports is logged by each supporter.


  • English/German config files
  • Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot support
  • BungeeCord/Waterfall support
  • MySQL support
  • Top-List of supporters
  • Open separate chats for supports
  • UUID support
  • 100% configurable messages
  • English/German support!
  • Inform supporters if players are in queue


  • /support
  • /sup
  • /sc
/sc help
- Shows the commands
/sc - Enter/Leave the queue
/sc list - List of queue
/sc close - Close the support chat
/sc open - Opens support chat with last support request
/sc open <player> - Opens support chat with specific player
/sc data list - Shows the support list
/sc data stats <player> - Shows the supports of a player
/sc data delete <player> - Deletes a player from the database
/sc data add <player> <number> - Adds supports to a player
/sc data remove <player> <number> - Removes supports of a player
/sc data set <player> <number> - Sets the supports of a player
/sc data reset - Resets the supports
/sc reload - Reloads the config




  1. Download the plugin
  2. Place it in the plugins folder of the BungeeCord/Bukkit server
  3. Start the server
  4. Done

Enable MySQL:
  1. Open the config.yml in the SupportChat/BungeeSupportChat folder
  2. Set enableMySQL to true
  3. Set the mysql connection data in the mysql.yml file
  4. Restart the server
  5. Now you can use all /sc data commands and the supports will logged in the database


  • BungeeCord/Waterfall (1.8.x-1.14.x) OR Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot (1.8.x-1.14.x)
  • MySQL (optional)



###                                           ###
##               BungeeSupportChat             ##
#                   by Dakir                    #
###                                           ###
#Please don't edit this
configversion: 1.1.6

#               General               #

#This is the prefix that will be displayed
#in front of all messages
prefix: '&8[&9Support&8] &b'

#If this is true the plugin will connecting to the database
#which is set in the "mysql.yml" file in the plugin folder.
#In this database will be saved the number of supports of
#all supporters.
enableMySQL: false

#The color of the supporters name in support chat
supporterColor: '&c'

#The color of the users name in support chat
userColor: '&f'

#The color of the text in the support chat
chatColor: '&b'

#This is the chat format of the support chat.
#The %nameColor% variable is replaced by "userColor"
#or "supporterColor" which are defined in the config.
chatFormat: '%prefix%%nameColor%%player% &8»%msg%'

#If this is true the plugin will inform the
#supporters if players are in queue
enableQueueNotification: true

#This is the interval in seconds how often the
#plugin inform the supporters of queued players
queueNotificationInterval: 60

#If this is true the players can tab other players
#name in the chat across the entire network
enableTabComplete: true

#               Messages               #
reload: 'Config has been reloaded!'
noPermission: 'You have no permission for that!'
noNumber: 'A number may not contain any letters!'
commandNotExists: 'This command does not exist!'
playerNotFound: 'Player not found!'
playerIsSupporter: 'This player is a team member!'
notInSupportChat: 'You are not in a support chat!'
inSupportChat: 'You are already in a support chat!'
playerIsInSupportChat: '&f%player% &bis already in a support chat!'
noSupportNeeded: 'No one needs support right now!'
noSupporterOnline: 'Currently no team member is online! Please try again later.'
noSupportRequest: 'You can not submit a support request!'
joinSupportQueue: 'You are in the queue now.'
leaveSupportQueue: 'You left the queue.'
needSupport: '&f%player% &bneeds support!'
needNoSupport: '&f%player% &bdoes not need support anymore!'
onePlayerNeedSupport: 'There is currently &f%number% &bplayer in the queue:'
morePlayerNeedSupport: 'There are currently &f%number% &bplayers in the queue:'
playerInQueue: '&8» &f%player%'
closeSupportChat: 'The support chat has been closed.'
openSupportChat: 'You are now in support chat.'
openSupportChat_head: 'Chat Head: &c%player%'
openSupportChat_user: 'Player: &f%player%'
openSupportChat_space: ''
openSupportChat_hellomessage: '&c%player% &8» &bHello, how can I help you?'
mysqlNotEnabled: 'The MySQL database is not activated in the config!'
dataSupportsReset: 'Supports have been reset.'
dataPlayerStats: 'The player &f%player% &bhas already made &f%number% &bsupport(s).'
dataPlayerDeleted: 'The player &f%player% &bwas successfully deleted from the database.'
dataPlayerSupportsAdded: 'Added &f%number% &bsupport(s) to player &f%player%&b.'
dataPlayerSupportsRemoved: 'Removed &f%number% &bsupport(s) of player &f%player%&b.'
dataPlayerSupportsSet: 'The supports(s) of &f%player% &bwere set to &f%number%&b.'
dataPlayerList_header: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['
dataPlayerList_entry: '&9%id%. &f%player% &8- &b%number%'
dataPlayerList_footer: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['

#               Help menu messages               #
header: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
sc_help: '&9/sc help &8- &fShows this menu'
sc: '&9/sc &8- &fEnter/Leave the queue'
sc_list: '&9/sc list &8- &fList of queue'
sc_close: '&9/sc close &8- &fClose the support chat'
sc_open: '&9/sc open &8- &fOpens support chat with last support request'
sc_open_player: '&9/sc open <player> &8- &fOpens support chat with specific player'
sc_data_list: '&9/sc data list &8- &fShows the support list'
sc_data_stats: '&9/sc data stats <player> &8- &fShows the supports of a player'
sc_data_delete: '&9/sc data delete <player> &8- &fDeletes a player from the database'
sc_data_add: '&9/sc data add <player> <number> &8- &fAdds supports to a player'
sc_data_remove: '&9/sc data remove <player> <number> &8- &fRemoves supports of a player'
sc_data_set: '&9/sc data set <player> <number> &8- &fSets the supports of a player'
sc_data_reset: '&9/sc data reset &8- &fResets the supports'
sc_reload: '&9/sc reload &8- &fReloads the config'
footer: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
###                                           ###
##               BungeeSupportChat             ##
#                   by Dakir                    #
###                                           ###
#Please don't edit this
configversion: 1.1.6

#               General               #

#This is the prefix that will be displayed
#in front of all messages
prefix: '&8[&9Support&8] &b'

#If this is true the plugin will connecting to the database
#which is set in the "mysql.yml" file in the plugin folder.
#In this database will be saved the number of supports of
#all supporters.
enableMySQL: false

#The color of the supporters name in support chat
supporterColor: '&c'

#The color of the users name in support chat
userColor: '&f'

#The color of the text in the support chat
chatColor: '&b'

#This is the chat format of the support chat.
#The %nameColor% variable is replaced by "userColor"
#or "supporterColor" which are defined in the config.
chatFormat: '%prefix%%nameColor%%player% &8»%msg%'

#If this is true the plugin will inform the
#supporters if players are in queue
enableQueueNotification: true

#This is the interval in seconds how often the
#plugin inform the supporters of queued players
queueNotificationInterval: 60

#If this is true the players can tab other players
#name in the chat across the entire network
enableTabComplete: true

#               Messages               #
reload: 'Die Config wurde neugeladen!'
noPermission: 'Du hast dafür keine Berechtigung!'
noNumber: 'Eine Zahl darf keine Buchstaben enthalten!'
commandNotExists: 'Dieser Befehl existiert nicht!'
playerNotFound: 'Dieser Spieler wurde nicht gefunden!'
playerIsSupporter: 'Dieser Spieler ist ein Teammitglied!'
notInSupportChat: 'Du bist in keinem Support-Chat!'
inSupportChat: 'Du bist schon in einem Support-Chat!'
playerIsInSupportChat: '&f%player% &bist schon in einem Support-Chat!'
noSupportNeeded: 'Zurzeit benötigt niemand Support!'
noSupporterOnline: 'Momentan ist kein Teammitglied online! Bitte versuch es später nochmal.'
noSupportRequest: 'Du kannst keine Supportanfrage stellen!'
joinSupportQueue: 'Du bist jetzt in der Warteschlange.'
leaveSupportQueue: 'Du hast die Warteschlange verlassen.'
needSupport: '&f%player% &bbenötigt Support!'
needNoSupport: '&f%player% &bbenötigt keinen Support mehr!'
onePlayerNeedSupport: 'Zurzeit ist &f%number% &bSpieler in der Warteschlange:'
morePlayerNeedSupport: 'Zurzeit sind &f%number% &bSpieler in der Warteschlange:'
playerInQueue: '&8» &f%player%'
closeSupportChat: 'Der Support-Chat wurde beendet.'
openSupportChat: 'Du bist jetzt im Support-Chat.'
openSupportChat_head: 'Chat-Leiter: &c%player%'
openSupportChat_user: 'Spieler: &f%player%'
openSupportChat_space: ''
openSupportChat_hellomessage: '&c%player% &8» &bHallo, wie kann ich dir helfen? :)'
mysqlNotEnabled: 'Die MySQL Datenbank wurde in der Config nicht aktiviert!'
dataSupportsReset: 'Die Supports wurden zurückgesetzt.'
dataPlayerStats: 'Der Spieler &f%player% &bhat bereits &f%number% &bSupport(s) gemacht.'
dataPlayerDeleted: 'Der Spieler &f%player% &bwurde erfolgreich aus der Datenbank gelöscht.'
dataPlayerSupportsAdded: 'Dem Spieler &f%player% &bwurde(n) &f%number% &bSupport(s) hinzugefügt.'
dataPlayerSupportsRemoved: 'Dem Spieler &f%player% &bwurde(n) &f%number% &bSupport(s) entfernt.'
dataPlayerSupportsSet: 'Die Supports des Spielers &f%player% &bwurden auf &a%number% &bgesetzt.'
dataPlayerList_header: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['
dataPlayerList_entry: '&9%id%. &f%player% &8- &b%number%'
dataPlayerList_footer: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['

#               Help menu messages               #
header: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
sc_help: '&9/sc help &8- &fZeigt dieses Menü'
sc: '&9/sc &8- &fBetritt/Verlässt die Warteschlange'
sc_list: '&9/sc list &8- &fListe der Warteschlange'
sc_close: '&9/sc close &8- &fSchließt den Support-Chat'
sc_open: '&9/sc open &8- &fÖffnet Support-Chat mit letzter Supportanfrage'
sc_open_player: '&9/sc open <Spieler> &8- &fÖffnet Support-Chat mit bestimmtem Spieler'
sc_data_list: '&9/sc data list &8- &fZeigt die Supports Liste'
sc_data_stats: '&9/sc data stats <Spieler> &8- &fZeigt die Supports eines Spielers'
sc_data_delete: '&9/sc data delete <Spieler> &8- &fLöscht einen Spieler aus der Datenbank'
sc_data_add: '&9/sc data add <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fFügt einem Spieler Supports hinzu'
sc_data_remove: '&9/sc data remove <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fEntfernt einem Spieler Supports'
sc_data_set: '&9/sc data set <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fSetzt die Supports eines Spielers'
sc_data_reset: '&9/sc data reset &8- &fSetzt die Supports zurück'
sc_reload: '&9/sc reload &8- &fLädt die Config neu'
footer: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
###                                           ###
##                  SupportChat                ##
#                    by Dakir                   #
###                                           ###
#Please don't edit this
configversion: 1.1.6

#               General               #

#This is the prefix that will be displayed
#in front of all messages
prefix: '&8[&9Support&8] &b'

#If this is true the plugin will connecting to the database
#which is set in the "mysql.yml" file in the plugin folder.
#In this database will be saved the number of supports of
#all supporters.
enableMySQL: false

#The color of the supporters name in support chat
supporterColor: '&c'

#The color of the users name in support chat
userColor: '&f'

#The color of the text in the support chat
chatColor: '&b'

#This is the chat format of the support chat.
#The %nameColor% variable is replaced by "userColor"
#or "supporterColor" which are defined in the config.
chatFormat: '%prefix%%nameColor%%player% &8» %msg%'

#If this is true the plugin will inform the
#supporters if players are in queue
enableQueueNotification: true

#This is the interval in seconds how often the
#plugin inform the supporters of queued players
queueNotificationInterval: 60

#               Messages               #
reload: 'Config has been reloaded!'
noPermission: 'You have no permission for that!'
noNumber: 'A number may not contain any letters!'
commandNotExists: 'This command does not exist!'
playerNotFound: 'Player not found!'
playerIsSupporter: 'This player is a team member!'
notInSupportChat: 'You are not in a support chat!'
inSupportChat: 'You are already in a support chat!'
playerIsInSupportChat: '&f%player% &bis already in a support chat!'
noSupportNeeded: 'No one needs support right now!'
noSupporterOnline: 'Currently no team member is online! Please try again later.'
noSupportRequest: 'You can not submit a support request!'
joinSupportQueue: 'You are in the queue now.'
leaveSupportQueue: 'You left the queue.'
needSupport: '&f%player% &bneeds support!'
needNoSupport: '&f%player% &bdoes not need support anymore!'
onePlayerNeedSupport: 'There is currently &f%number% &bplayer in the queue:'
morePlayerNeedSupport: 'There are currently &f%number% &bplayers in the queue:'
playerInQueue: '&8» &f%player%'
closeSupportChat: 'The support chat has been closed.'
openSupportChat: 'You are now in support chat.'
openSupportChat_head: 'Chat Head: &c%player%'
openSupportChat_user: 'Player: &f%player%'
openSupportChat_space: ''
openSupportChat_hellomessage: '&c%player% &8» &bHello, how can I help you?'
mysqlNotEnabled: 'The MySQL database is not activated in the config!'
dataSupportsReset: 'Supports have been reset.'
dataPlayerStats: 'The player &f%player% &bhas already made &f%number% &bsupport(s).'
dataPlayerDeleted: 'The player &f%player% &bwas successfully deleted from the database.'
dataPlayerSupportsAdded: 'Added &f%number% &bsupport(s) to player &f%player%&b.'
dataPlayerSupportsRemoved: 'Removed &f%number% &bsupport(s) of player &f%player%&b.'
dataPlayerSupportsSet: 'The supports(s) of &f%player% &bwere set to &f%number%&b.'
dataPlayerList_header: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['
dataPlayerList_entry: '&9%id%. &f%player% &8- &b%number%'
dataPlayerList_footer: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['

#               Help menu messages               #
header: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
sc_help: '&9/sc help &8- &fShows this menu'
sc: '&9/sc &8- &fEnter/Leave the queue'
sc_list: '&9/sc list &8- &fList of queue'
sc_close: '&9/sc close &8- &fClose the support chat'
sc_open: '&9/sc open &8- &fOpens support chat with last support request'
sc_open_player: '&9/sc open <player> &8- &fOpens support chat with specific player'
sc_data_list: '&9/sc data list &8- &fShows the support list'
sc_data_stats: '&9/sc data stats <player> &8- &fShows the supports of a player'
sc_data_delete: '&9/sc data delete <player> &8- &fDeletes a player from the database'
sc_data_add: '&9/sc data add <player> <number> &8- &fAdds supports to a player'
sc_data_remove: '&9/sc data remove <player> <number> &8- &fRemoves supports of a player'
sc_data_set: '&9/sc data set <player> <number> &8- &fSets the supports of a player'
sc_data_reset: '&9/sc data reset &8- &fResets the supports'
sc_reload: '&9/sc reload &8- &fReloads the config'
footer: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
###                                           ###
##                  SupportChat                ##
#                    by Dakir                   #
###                                           ###
#Please don't edit this
configversion: 1.1.6

#               General               #

#This is the prefix that will be displayed
#in front of all messages
prefix: '&8[&9Support&8] &b'

#If this is true the plugin will connecting to the database
#which is set in the "mysql.yml" file in the plugin folder.
#In this database will be saved the number of supports of
#all supporters.
enableMySQL: false

#The color of the supporters name in support chat
supporterColor: '&c'

#The color of the users name in support chat
userColor: '&f'

#The color of the text in the support chat
chatColor: '&b'

#This is the chat format of the support chat.
#The %nameColor% variable is replaced by "userColor"
#or "supporterColor" which are defined in the config.
chatFormat: '%prefix%%nameColor%%player% &8» %msg%'

#If this is true the plugin will inform the
#supporters if players are in queue
enableQueueNotification: true

#This is the interval in seconds how often the
#plugin inform the supporters of queued players
queueNotificationInterval: 60

#               Messages               #
reload: 'Die Config wurde neugeladen!'
noPermission: 'Du hast dafür keine Berechtigung!'
noNumber: 'Eine Zahl darf keine Buchstaben enthalten!'
commandNotExists: 'Dieser Befehl existiert nicht!'
playerNotFound: 'Dieser Spieler wurde nicht gefunden!'
playerIsSupporter: 'Dieser Spieler ist ein Teammitglied!'
notInSupportChat: 'Du bist in keinem Support-Chat!'
inSupportChat: 'Du bist schon in einem Support-Chat!'
playerIsInSupportChat: '&f%player% &bist schon in einem Support-Chat!'
noSupportNeeded: 'Zurzeit benötigt niemand Support!'
noSupporterOnline: 'Momentan ist kein Teammitglied online! Bitte versuch es später nochmal.'
noSupportRequest: 'Du kannst keine Supportanfrage stellen!'
joinSupportQueue: 'Du bist jetzt in der Warteschlange.'
leaveSupportQueue: 'Du hast die Warteschlange verlassen.'
needSupport: '&f%player% &bbenötigt Support!'
needNoSupport: '&f%player% &bbenötigt keinen Support mehr!'
onePlayerNeedSupport: 'Zurzeit ist &f%number% &bSpieler in der Warteschlange:'
morePlayerNeedSupport: 'Zurzeit sind &f%number% &bSpieler in der Warteschlange:'
playerInQueue: '&8» &f%player%'
closeSupportChat: 'Der Support-Chat wurde beendet.'
openSupportChat: 'Du bist jetzt im Support-Chat.'
openSupportChat_head: 'Chat-Leiter: &c%player%'
openSupportChat_user: 'Spieler: &f%player%'
openSupportChat_space: ''
openSupportChat_hellomessage: '&c%player% &8» &bHallo, wie kann ich dir helfen? :)'
mysqlNotEnabled: 'Die MySQL Datenbank wurde in der Config nicht aktiviert!'
dataSupportsReset: 'Die Supports wurden zurückgesetzt.'
dataPlayerStats: 'Der Spieler &f%player% &bhat bereits &f%number% &bSupport(s) gemacht.'
dataPlayerDeleted: 'Der Spieler &f%player% &bwurde erfolgreich aus der Datenbank gelöscht.'
dataPlayerSupportsAdded: 'Dem Spieler &f%player% &bwurde(n) &f%number% &bSupport(s) hinzugefügt.'
dataPlayerSupportsRemoved: 'Dem Spieler &f%player% &bwurde(n) &f%number% &bSupport(s) entfernt.'
dataPlayerSupportsSet: 'Die Supports des Spielers &f%player% &bwurden auf &a%number% &bgesetzt.'
dataPlayerList_header: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['
dataPlayerList_entry: '&9%id%. &f%player% &8- &b%number%'
dataPlayerList_footer: '&8&m]&7&m--------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m--------&8&m['

#               Help menu messages               #
header: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
sc_help: '&9/sc help &8- &fZeigt dieses Menü'
sc: '&9/sc &8- &fBetritt/Verlässt die Warteschlange'
sc_list: '&9/sc list &8- &fListe der Warteschlange'
sc_close: '&9/sc close &8- &fSchließt den Support-Chat'
sc_open: '&9/sc open &8- &fÖffnet Support-Chat mit letzter Supportanfrage'
sc_open_player: '&9/sc open <Spieler> &8- &fÖffnet Support-Chat mit bestimmtem Spieler'
sc_data_list: '&9/sc data list &8- &fZeigt die Supports Liste'
sc_data_stats: '&9/sc data stats <Spieler> &8- &fZeigt die Supports eines Spielers'
sc_data_delete: '&9/sc data delete <Spieler> &8- &fLöscht einen Spieler aus der Datenbank'
sc_data_add: '&9/sc data add <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fFügt einem Spieler Supports hinzu'
sc_data_remove: '&9/sc data remove <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fEntfernt einem Spieler Supports'
sc_data_set: '&9/sc data set <Spieler> <Anzahl> &8- &fSetzt die Supports eines Spielers'
sc_data_reset: '&9/sc data reset &8- &fSetzt die Supports zurück'
sc_reload: '&9/sc reload &8- &fLädt die Config neu'
footer: '&8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m[&r &b♦ &8&m]&7&m------------------------&8&m['
host: localhost
port: '3306'
database: database
username: username
password: password



If you want to see your server on this list please contact me via PM


If you need help with the plugin, contact me here:


By purchasing this plugin or downloading new versions you accept the following terms of use:
  • You are aware of that SupportChat is meant to run only on BungeeCord or Bukkit/Spigot servers.
  • No refunds! All purchases are final!
  • You are not allowed to -Redacted- this plugin!
  • Use it only for your server/network!
  • You are not allowed to leak this plugin on any website!
  • You are not allowed to share this plugin with somebody else!
  • You cannot claim the code of the plugin belongs to you!
  • The price may change at any time without notice.

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