⊲ Ultimate Koth ⊳

 FREE ⊲ Ultimate Koth ⊳ 1.13.3

⊲ Ultimate Koth ⊳

Default languages:
English (EN), Spanish (ES), Russian (RU). others soon..

Optional Addons:
(Free) DiscordBridge - https://polymart.org/resource/3610

Optional dependencies:
⚔ UltimateClans V5/V6 ⚔

BetterClans, TAB, HolographicDisplays, Holograms, CMI, DecentHolograms, ProtocolLib, SimpleClans, FactionsUUID, SternalBoard, IridiumSkyblock, AnimatedScoreboard, MedievalFactions, SuperiorSkyblock2, Lands, SaberFactions, KingdomsX, FeatherBoard, GangsPlus, AdvancedTowny and others

/ukoth help - Show help menu.
/ukoth reload - Reload the plugin.
/ukoth start <name> - Start event now.
/ukoth tp <name> - Teleport to koth.
/ukoth stop <name> - Force stop an event.
/ukoth wand - Get koth wand.
/ukoth create <name> - Create a new Koth.
/ukoth move <name> - Move a koth.
/ukoth delete <name> - Delete a Koth.
/ukoth list (-gui)- List the Koths.
/ukoth view <name> (-gui) - View a Koth.

/ukoth commands - View all command.
- /ukoth commands list <name> (-gui) - List all commands.
- /ukoth commands add <name> (cmd) - Add a command.
- /ukoth commands remove <name> <id> - Remove a command.

/ukoth loots - View and Edit loots.
- /ukoth loots list <name> (-gui) - List all loots.
- /ukoth loots add <name> - Add loot to koth.
- /ukoth loots type <name> <type> (amount) - Change loot type.
- /ukoth loots chance <name> <num>%

/ukoth keys - View and Edit keys.
- /ukoth keys listblocks (-gui) - List all keys.
- /ukoth keys blocktp <id> - Teleport to block.
- /ukoth keys toggle - Toggle the keys.
- /ukoth keys wand - Get key wand.
- /ukoth keys give <name> <player> (amount) - Give key to player.

/ukoth proximity - View and Edit proximity.
- /ukoth proximity setsize <name> <amount> - Set proximity size.
- /ukoth proximity toggle <name> - Toggle the proximity type.

/ukoth scheduler - Edit koth scheduler.
- /ukoth scheduler create <name> <type> <day> <hour:min> - Create new scheduler.
- /ukoth scheduler remove <name> <num>- Remove the scheduler.
- /ukoth scheduler list <name> (-gui) - List koth schedulers.

/ukoth seticon <name> - Change the icon.

/ukoth setcapture <name> <sec> - Change the capture time.

/ukoth maxtime - View and Edit maxtime.
- /ukoth maxtime setsize <name> <amount> - Set maxtime size.
- /ukoth maxtime toggle <name> - Toggle the maxtime.
- /ukoth maxtime endaction <name> <ACTION> (color) - Change the end action.

/ukoth hologram - View and Edit hologram.
- /ukoth hologram create <name> <type> <time> (maxlines) - Create a hologram.
- /ukoth hologram delete <name> - Delete an hologram.
- /ukoth hologram list (-gui) - List all holograms.
- /ukoth hologram tp <name> - Teleport to the hologram.
- /ukoth hologram movehere <name> - Move the location holo.

/ukoth stats - View and Edit stats.
- /ukoth stats clearall <type> - Clear all stats.
- /ukoth stats remove <type> <value> - Delete a player or group stats.
- /ukoth stats add <player> - Add an stats (ago).
- /ukoth stats list <type> (-gui) - List all status.

/ukoth extension - View and Edit extensions.
- /ukoth extension download <name> - Download an extension.
- /ukoth extension update <name> - Update an extension.
- /ukoth extension list (-gui) - List installed extensions.
- /ukoth extension all (-gui) - List available extensions.
- /ukoth extension reload - Reload extensions.
- /ukoth extension view <name> - View extension.

/ukoth adminmode - Enter admin mode.

/ukoth starter - View and Edit starter
- /ukoth starter toggle - Toggle the starter.
- /ukoth starter give <name> <player> (amount) - Give starter item to player.
/koth help - Show help menu.
/koth cancel - Cancel pending actions.
/koth stats (-gui) - See your status
/koth info <name> (-gui) - Show koth info.
/koth loots <name> (-gui) - Sho koth loots (preview).

/koth events (-gui) - Show koth events
- /koth events next - See nexts events.
- /koth events all - See all events.



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