OPEN Staff Application

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Ex-Owner BSMC
Hello guys!
I'm Sebastiaan former Owner of BS, some may remember me and some not because alot of you guys are new! I'll hope you like my application.

My name is Sebastiaan most of the time known as GamingStormNL, GamingStormNL is my IGN on Minecraft and some more games or accounts. I'm 14 years old ATM and I'll turn 15 on august 20th, I was a Former Owner of BS like I told you guys we didn't made it so far so I'm happy it came this far with Members/Plugins and upgrade to the site and I like the new Logo.
I'm expierenced with XenForo, Making MC Servers and more!!!
I was the most of the time here for downloading plugins (After I quit as Owner) and watching how the community was starting to grow, I will try to help you guys as much as I can whenever I get Denied or Accepted. I don't remember when I joined the first time because before I was Owner there was another Owner I don't remember him (sorry for that) I will try to advertise as much as I can and like I told you guys I'll help you all no matter how much there are I will help! The first time I was working with XenForo was around 2 years ago, I created websites for other people and myself because I had my own server network. I have now a server ATM and If I get donations I'll use it for buying plugins and post them on here and of course to pay the server/website of course! If you guys ever need an website for an minecraft server DM me! I'll not make competitions for BS so please don't ask me to make something like it. If you guys want to know more about me just post it in the comments or send me an DM.

This was my Application I hope you enjoyed it!
Greetings Sebastiaan
- GamingStormNL

Any Questions or Tips are acceptable!


MC Models
+10 vouch(If possible) For being so nice and uploading leaks
Ps Just fix your grammar
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    J @ jeeshen: ah i see thank u