(REQUEST) Galaxy Package 2


New Member
Name of ressource you want:
Galaxy Package 2 | Space Flares | G.A.S | 120+ Enchantments 1.33
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/galaxy-package-2-space-flares-g-a-s-120-enchantments.59058/

Price: $9.97

Why you want it: Currently Creating a Factions server and this will be very useful in my Creation.

Why you deserve it: I think a lot of people would like this plugin, has amazing enchantments, Custom Kits , Space flares and more amazing stuff would truly love to see this plugin around :)


UFC Champion
MC Models
Name of ressource you want:
Galaxy Package 2 | Space Flares | G.A.S | 120+ Enchantments 1.33
Spigot Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/galaxy-package-2-space-flares-g-a-s-120-enchantments.59058/

Price: $9.97

Why you want it: Currently Creating a Factions server and this will be very useful in my Creation.

Why you deserve it: I think a lot of people would like this plugin, has amazing enchantments, Custom Kits , Space flares and more amazing stuff would truly love to see this plugin around :)
We can crack this for you, but we need a copy of the plugin to do so. Due to it being brand new we most likely will not be receiving it anytime soon. But if you end up purchasing the plugin, please send it to us through PM so we can crack it.
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