OPEN GianLuca Moderator Application.

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Former BSMC Manager
Hello, I'm Gian Ex-Manager of BSMC.

I'm here to apply for moderator and looking forward to rejoining the BSMC Staff Team.

Name: Mick

Age: I'm Currently 18 old of age.

Do you have access to Discord/Skype: Yes.

US. Mostly using a VPN.

Timezone: My timezone is Atlantic Time Zone (UTC-04:00). This allows me to be on different times than some other staff members.

Are you a donor, if so which rank: Ultimate, Benefactor, Supporter.

How can I help BlackSpigotMC: I've decided to apply on BSMC because this is one of the websites i always liked. I joined BlackSpigot on May 6, 2016, I've always wanted to help out online servers as much as I humanly possibly can. I really want to be able to help BlackSpigotMC grow, and get bigger in the leaking scene of Minecraft. I also think that because of how BlackSpigotMC is built up, it has an extremely high chance of getting a lot bigger in a short amount of time. I really want to help BlackSpigotMC out, and make it become bigger, and even better. What inspired me was just to help and be nice to any new members coming to BlackSpigotMC for the first time. What else inspired me is just seeing some hackers while playing and getting away with it. I want to do a part on this website to stop rules breakers so the website can be fun for everyone and members can enjoy this great website to the full extent. I will do this by punishing rule breakers and keeping the forum to a nice state. I would love to create a safe environment for everyone, old and new. Also, I will always put helping others first and to keep other people as my priorities. I will reply to every question or request fully and make sure they are happy and fully satisfied with my response.

How active can you be on BlackSpigotMC: 6-8 hours per day.

What experience have you had in the past: Well, I'm an Ex-Manager lf BSMC. Wifispy and OhYeah (Aka Betrayer) taught me to allot of stuff back then.

Are you able to help with plugins: Yes, I have a few friends that will be able to help me out and I will be searhing for others.


Do you agree to any risks that may come with the responsibility of being a staff member, such as -Redacted-? I agree.

Do you agree not to start drama within the staff team, or cause trouble on the server? Yes, old enough, and mature enough.

I feel I would be a nice addition to the staff team. I am nice to everyone and treat everyone with respect. I am a hard working individual and will not stop until problems are solved and requirements are met. Additionally, I try to be as friendly as possible to others and I will never judge people and I am completely ready to take on the responsibilities of being a Moderator. I really enjoy helping people out and trying to be the best person I can be. I would love to be added to the team and hope to make the website a wonderful and fun place for everyone. I also appreciate all the time you spent reading my application. I look to hear back from the staff team soon. :)
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MC Models
+1 Old staff member even though I din't recognize you plus decent application length


UFC Champion
MC Models
Just so we don't get confused, your score is 4/20 (staff count as 2, also I advice you advertise in the Discord as that is where you will catch people's eye... if you don't have it here is a link Good Luck!


Trusted User
+2 Good luck you know what you are doing xD


UFC Champion
MC Models
Not enough votes and a few new staff are coming aboard soon so... locking.


UFC Champion
MC Models
@Mick actually this is not true, your post has been up for 4 weeks now and nobody besides 2 staff (1 including me) and 1 other member. You need 20 "points" to even be considered. So after a month with like nobody vouching for you makes this application dead, and I closed it.
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