[1.8.x - 1.16.x] RunesEnchant | 70+ Custom Enchantments | Enchantment Books/Runes | Enchanter GUI

SpigotVIP [1.8.x - 1.16.x] RunesEnchant | 70+ Custom Enchantments | Enchantment Books/Runes | Enchanter GUI 1.1.8

[1.8.x - 1.16.x] RunesEnchant | 70+ Custom Enchantments | Enchantment Books/Runes | Enchanter GUI
Native Minecraft Version:1.16Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
Donation Link:https://paypal.me/ayushdev01

The revamp of a popular plugin from 2016, RunesEnchant!

  • Enchanter GUI
  • Drag and Drop Enchantment
  • Success Rates and Destroy Rates
  • Create Enchantment Groups/Tiers
  • Enchantment Limiters (Slots)
  • Tinkerer
  • Special stones which enhance enchanting (More on the way)
  • Editable max level of enchantments
  • Editable enchantment type
  • Editable Enchantment Name and Colors
  • Configurable Rune Item for every enchantment
  • Rune Shop
  • 70+ custom enchantments (A LOT MORE TO COME!)
  • No major dependency required (Only depends on Vault)
  • 1.8+ support
  • Lightweight

How to get Rune:

  • From admin/console via command
  • From Rune Shop (costs XP or Vault Money)
  • Using Rune Signs (costs XP)
  • Mob Drops

How to apply enchantment:

1) Rune Drag n' Drop:

Permission: rune.apply


2) Enchanter

Both ways support level stacking, i.e Speed 1 (Item) + Speed 1 (Rune) = Speed 2 (Resultant item)

Both ways support level upgrade. i.e if item has lower level of the enchantment than the level of Rune you are applying, the higher level would considered. i.e Speed 1 (Item) + Speed 3 (Rune) = Speed 3 (Resultant item)

Special Items/Stones (More on the way)

i) Protection Charm

Prevents the item getting destroyed while enchanting. It has limited number of uses and the number of uses increase with the levels.

How to get: /ritem protection <player> <level>

ii) Luck Stone

Increases the success rate of enchanting while using the Enchanter GUI. Increase in rate depends on the level of the stone.

How to get: /ritem luck <player> <level>

iii) Enchantment Orb

Adds extra enchantment slots on an item.

How to get: /ritem orb <player> <slots>

iv) Resurrection Stone

It has 2 uses:

1) If a player has Resurrection Stone in their inventory when they are about to die, they will get one extra life (fully healed) without dying. The stone then gets consumed and won't be available for use again.

2) In the Enchanter GUI it prevents the item from getting destroyed. It has no levels and will get destroyed as soon as the enchanting process is completed. If the item already has Protection Charm, Resurrection Stone is redundant. But if you still use it, you will save the number of uses left of the Protection Charm on the item.

How to get: /ritem resurrection <player>

Each stone has its own configuration file where you can configure everything!

Custom Enchantments

Spoiler: Click Here

Creating Enchantment Groups/Tiers

By default, the plugin comes up with groups classified according the enchantment types. For example Boots Enchantments Group, Swords, Armor, etc.

If you want to create your own group, head over to the "groups" folder and create a file named "<your_group_name>.yml". Copy the content from any default generated file and paste it into your file. Then modify the newly created file according to your needs.

Please note that the name of the file you create must NOT contain space. The name of the file (without .yml extension) would be the id of the group you would use in the commands or Shop config.

Although most of the fields present inside the files are self-explanatory, I would explain a few.

Code (Text):
list-in-shop: true
list-in-gui: true

list-in-shop field means if you want the group to be present inside the Shop GUI.

list-in-gui field means if you want the group to be present inside the Enchantments List GUI, which basically shows the information of all Enchantment Runes, classified according to their groups.

Creating Rune Sign

Basically, a player with permission would right click the sign and get the Rune at the cost of the specified XP points.

Permission to create Sign: runesenchant.sign.create

Permission to use Sign: runesenchant.sign.use

The display of the the Sign can be configured from rune-sign.yml file.

Configuring Enchantments

Spoiler: How to configure

Commands and Permissions:

Admin commands

/runes <give> <player> <enchantment> <level> (success-rate) (destroy-rate)

/runes <give> <player> group <group-name> (success-rate) (destroy-rate)

/ritem <item-type> <player> (level)

/setslots <slots>

This command will tell you the item id of the item you are holding in your primary hand. This id should be used in the "item-id" field of the config files.


Note: Arguments in round brackets "( )" are optional in some cases.

Player Commands

/enchanter OR /runes enchanter

Permission: runes.enchanter

/tinkerer OR /runes tinkerer

Permission: runes.tinkerer

/runes shop

Permission: runes.shop

/runes list

Permission: runes.list

By purchasing this resource you agree to following terms and conditions:

* You will not -Redacted- this plugin.

* You will not resell this plugin.

* No refunds will be held.

* I may change the price of this resource any time.

* All purchases are final.

This plugin uses ArmorEquipEvent library by Borlea.

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. N/A

  3. N/A


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