AdvancedEnchantments | Enchant ALL the Things! | API

SpigotVIP AdvancedEnchantments | Enchant ALL the Things! | API 4.20.26

AdvancedEnchantments | Enchant ALL the Things! | API
Native Minecraft Version: 1.13
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
Source Code: Languages Supported: English, Español, Français, Deutsche

Support Discord:

This is a new, completely revamped and more advanced enchanting system than the boring vanilla experience. Enjoy new curses to troll your friends with and new enchantments to apply to your items!

There's always more to come, so stay updated with the plugin's built-in notifier!

The first time AdvancedEnchantments is run it will take some time to start up. this is normal, and will very rarely (if ever) take that long again.

To set AdvancedEnchantments up for a single server, simply drop the jar into your "plugins" folder. The auto-generated configuration should default to reasonable values for you, but you may modify it if you wish.

To add more languages, simply create the appropriate file in the "lang" sub-directory for the plugin.

For example, you may add Spanish language support by creating a file named "lang_es.yml" or UK English language support by creating a file named "lang_en_GB.yml"

DO NOT LET YOUR PLAYERS EDIT ITEM LORE. AdvancedEnchantmants gets its enchantments from item lore, and will happily pick up any arbitrary lore line that matches its enchantment database. While the plugin is robust enough to avoid accidental matches from admins or other plugins, a player can very easily add new enchants to their items just by adding specific lore to them.


  • ProtocolLib is recommended for Mirage, though if you don't have it the enchantment will still work fine.

Code (Text):

# Value between 0 and 1, representing the percentage chance that a custom enchantment will be added to an item while using an enchanting table
# 0 = no chance (off), 1 = 100% chance (all custom enchants, no vanilla)
# If > 0, will add all registered custom enchants to the vanilla enchanting system
# Registered enchants are enchantments that extend AdvancedEnchantment
# For the layman: this will mean most, if not all, custom enchantments
enchant-chance: 0.0

# When enabled, enchants that do extra durability damage bypass unbreaking
# The default is true, which balances the power of the enchants as compared to vanilla
bypass-unbreaking: true

# Whether or not to enable particle effects
particles: true

# Defines chances that enchants/curses appear in loot tables
# 0 = no chance (off), 1 = 100% chance (all items enchanted)
# NOTE: This requires Paper (or a fork of Paper) that has the loot table API
# Chance that new enchants appear
enchant: 0.00045
# Chance that curses appear
curse: 0.00126

# When true, logs some extra output to the console so you can see if/why things might be failing
debug: false
# Default language (affects console output)
lang: 'en'

# Whether or not to send anonymous usage statistics to bStats
# True: Send anonymous stats; let the author know how well the plugin is doing and how it's used!
# False: Do not send stats and make the author sad :(
usage: true
# Whether or not to send anonymous errors to the author
# True: Send errors anonymously to GameAnalytics so the author can fix them!
# False: Do not send errors and wonder why any bugs you encounter haven't been fixed
errors: true


/ae reload - Reloads the plugin configuration. This will disconnect and reconnect (if appropriate) any services configured in the config.yml file.
/ae add | set | enchant <enchant> [level] - Adds an enchantment (or sets its level) to your currently-held item.
/ae remove | delete <enchant> - Removes an enchantment from your currently-held item.

ae.admin - gives access to reload, add, and delete commands, and notifies of updates
ae.enchant.<enchant> - gives the player access to use the specified enchantment (enchantments will not work without this permission node)
ae.curse.<curse> - gives the player access to use the specified curse (curses will not work without this permission node)


Aegis [1]: Reduces incoming damage.
Aerial [1-5]: Does more damage while the player is in the air.
Antigravity [1-3]: Permanent (high-level) jump boost.
Artisan [1-5]: Pickaxes mine in veins, axes fell entire trees, etc
Beheading [1-3]: Gives a chance to drop the player's/mob's head if the enchanted item strikes the killing blow.
Bleeding [1-5]: Continuously damages the target for a short time. Damage depends on level and base weapon damage.
Blinding [1-5]: Has a chance to blind the target for a short period of time.
Burst [1-3]: When firing an arrow, will also fire extra arrows in a line behind it.
Charging [1-5]: Does more damage while the player is sprinting.
Disarming [1-5]: Has a chance to make the target drop their currently-held items.
Ensnaring [1-3]: Prevents the target from using ender pearls or teleporting for a certain amount of time.
Ethereal [1]: Consumes a soul to mitigate any damage by other players, pets, and arrows.
Explosive [1-3]: When a block is broken, all the blocks around that block are also broken.
Fiery [1]: Arrows that hit a mob or land on a block will set their surroundings on fire.
Freezing [1-5]: Has a chance to slow and possibly completely freeze the target for a short period of time.
Magnetic [1-3]: Slowly draws any ground items around the player towards them.
Marking [1-5]: All damage to the target is increased per enchant level for five seconds.
Mirage [1-5]: Moves the ground around the player slightly when swinging a weapon. Also sends nearby entities in the air.
Multishot [1-3]: When firing an arrow, will also fire a few extra arrows that spread out a bit.
Poisonous [1-5]: Has a chance to poison the target for a short period of time.
Proficiency [1-5]: Drops more experience per action (mining, fishing, kills, etc)
Rampage [1-3]: The more you kill, the stronger you get. Cools off after a while.
Reaping [1]: Killing another living thing steals its soul and attempts to store it.
Repairing [1-5]: Slowly repairs the item over time if the player is holding it.
Smelting [1]: The enchanted item acts like a furnace for anything it breaks.
Soulbound [1]: Consumes a soul to return to your inventory upon death.
Stillness [1]: Prevents block updates when breaking a block.
Thunderous [1-3]: Gives a chance to strike the target with lightning when the enchanted item hits it.
Tornado [1-3]: Sends the target up into the air when hit.
Trailblazer [1]: Creates fire wherever the player moves. Also sets the player on fire if they sprint.
Vampiric [1-5]: Gives the player a small amount of health back depending on the damage dealt with the enchanted item.
Vorpal [1-10]: Stores souls in the item. Level affects the maximum souls allowed.


Adherence [1]: The cursed item cannot be moved from one inventory to another.
Calling [1-5]: Draws nearby mobs toward the holder/wearer and makes them hostile
Darkness [1]: The wearer sees only in permanent darkness.
Decay [1-5]: Breakable items break far more quickly.
Empathy [1-5]: The player takes partial damage whenever a nearby entity is attacked.
Ender [1-3]: If the player wearing the cursed item is hit, they have a chance to be randomly teleported a fair distance away.
Fragility [1-5]: Increases damage taken.
Grogginess [1-5]: Gives slowness + mining fatigue to the wearer.
Leeching [1-5]: The cursed item takes health from the player and gives it to the target.
Misfortune [1-5]: The cursed item has a chance to not drop items when breaking blocks with it in hand.
Pacifism [1]: The cursed item can do no damage to any mob or player.
Silence [1]: Prevents the player from speaking or using commands.
Stickiness [1-3]: The cursed item, once held, must be held for a certain amount of time. You just can't let go!
Treason [1-3]: Has a chance to transfer to your attacker's inventory (or drop on the ground) when you have been hit.
Void [1-3]: The cursed item continually and randomly consumes souls.
Wither [1-5]: Slowly kills the wearer/holder

Latest Repo

API usage
ExternalAPI api = ExternalAPI.getInstance();
int getMaxLevel(GenericEnchantment enchantment, GenericEnchantableItem... items) throws APIException;
boolean anyHasEnchantment(GenericEnchantment enchantment, GenericEnchantableItem... items) throws APIException;
boolean allHaveEnchantment(GenericEnchantment enchantment, GenericEnchantableItem... items) throws APIException;
ExternalBukkitEnchantableItem enchantableItem =
ExternalBukkitEnchantableItem.fromItemStack(ItemStack item);
void rewriteMeta() throws APIException;
final Object getConcrete() throws APIException;
Set<GenericEnchantmentTarget> getEnchantmentTargets() throws APIException;
boolean hasEnchantment(GenericEnchantment enchantment) throws APIException;
int getEnchantmentLevel(GenericEnchantment enchantment) throws APIException;
void setEnchantmentLevel(GenericEnchantment enchantment, int level) throws APIException;
void setEnchantmentLevels(Map<GenericEnchantment, Integer> enchantments) throws APIException;
void addEnchantment(GenericEnchantment enchantment) throws APIException;
void addEnchantments(Collection<GenericEnchantment> enchantments) throws APIException;
void removeEnchantment(GenericEnchantment enchantment) throws APIException;
void removeEnchantments(Collection<GenericEnchantment> enchantments) throws APIException;
Map<GenericEnchantment, Integer> getEnchantments() throws APIException;
int getSouls() throws APIException;
void setSouls(int souls) throws APIException;

Latest updates

  1. 4.20.26


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