Leaked by Infinityy
Cracked by Infinityy

If this plugin gets releaked 3 more times i will move it to supporter section

Warning - If this stops working, PM me asap so i can fix it

Please do not post a negative review of it not working/related, PM me or rate 5 stars and explain your issue there!



Hey spigot community and network owners this time i brought you a new Spigot plugin that allows you to create NPC to connect to your Bungee Servers.



  • You can set the name you want to the NPC! With spaces too! (Usage: Put ';' as space, example: "Name;With;Spaces")
  • You can set the skin of each NPC!
  • You can upload and set a custom skin for NPC! - NEW!
  • You can set a Cooldown of interaction!
  • You can toggle the entrance trough the NPC!
  • You can toggle if the NPC will follow the player with the eyes!
  • You can set the items in hand and armor of the NPC!
  • You can set a "status" that will show when you disable the entrance!
  • You can change the server that the NPC point!
  • AutoUpdate task!
  • You can display a sum of a group of servers!
  • The NPC saves when the server goes off!
  • You can configure almost every messsage of the plugin!
  • RedisBungee support! (Enable in the config!)
  • Regrettably this depend of: Citizens [Free version]
  • If you find an error send me a Message or post it in the Discussion section!
  • Now the plugin detect and uses external Hologram plugins, if none is detected, would use the internal Hologram System, hooks to: Holograms, HolographicDisplays


  • /bnpc create <name/name;with;spaces> <server1,server2> - Description: You create a NPC in your Location with the name you set and pointing to that server!
  • /bnpc select - Description: You select the nearest NPC or you can just Shift + Right Click to select!
  • /bnpc info - Description: It shows the info of the NPC!
  • /bnpc list - Description: Shows every created NPC!
  • /bnpc skin <list/set/upload> <skinFileName> - Description: Upload, list or set skins for a NPC! - NEW!
  • /bnpc delete - Description: You delete the NPC that you select!
  • /bnpc update - Description: Update the NPC info!
  • /bnpc togglejoin - Description: You can toggle if the players can join!
  • /bnpc equip <add/remove/reset> <slot> - Description: Equip the selected NPC with the item in your hand in the slot you choose!
  • /bnpc toggleLC - Description: You can toggle if the NPC will follow players with the eyes!
  • /bnpc tp - Description: Selected NPC will teleport to your current location!
  • /bnpc withelist - Description: You can toggle if the players without permissions can join!
  • /bnpc setserver <server1,server2> - Description: You set the new server that the NPC points!
  • /bnpc setstatus <status> - Description: You set what the NPC shows when you toggle the entrance!
  • /bnpc setname <name/name;with;spaces> - Description: You just set the name of the NPC!
  • /bnpc reload - Description: Reload the config and NPC's!

Whitelist mode explanation:
Works in almost the same way than the ToggleJoin, it will show the status instead of the player count and you will need a specific permission (bungeenpc.bypass) to join (unlinke the ToggleJoin than you cant join in anyway)!

Custom skin system explanation:
You need to put the png file in the BungeeNPC -> skins folder and use the command /bnpc upload SkinFileName (whitout .png)
When the skin is ready will give you a notification and then, you apply it to the NPC by /bnpc setskin SkinFileName and thats all!


  • bungeenpc.create - Permission for the Create command!
  • bungeenpc.delete - Permission for the Delete command!
  • bungeenpc.select - Permission for the Select command!
  • bungeenpc.update - Permission for the Update command!
  • bungeenpc.list - Permission for the List command!
  • bungeenpc.equip - Permission for the Equip command!
  • bungeenpc.skin - Permission for the Skin command! - NEW!
  • bungeenpc.togglejoin - Permission for the ToggleJoin command!
  • bungeenpc.whitelist - Permission for the WhiteList command!
  • bungeenpc.setserver - Permission for the SetServer command!
  • bungeenpc.setstatus - Permission for the SetStatus command!
  • bungeenpc.setname - Permission for the SetName command!
  • bungeenpc.reload - Permission for the Reload command!
  • bungeenpc.info - Permission for the Info command!
  • bungeenpc.bypass - Permission to Join in WhiteList mode and Permission to bypass the NPC cooldown!
  • bungeenpc.tp - Permission for the Teleport command!
  • bungeenpc.toggleLC - Permission for the ToggleLC command!



Servers using this plugin:
  • mc.pixelcub.net (Spanish network!)
  • play.zonaneutro.com (Spanish network!)
  • softuf.com (English network!)
  • play.aquacraft.eu (English network!)
  • If you server is using this, tell me!


- Try to make it out of dependencies
- The way to set a custom skin (.png file) to the NPC - DONE! (Added in v1.11)
- Feature to open an inventory with the NPC. (The latest version contains a start of this features!)
- Feature to run commands through the NPC. (The latest version contains a start of this features!)
- TP Command - DONE!
- List Command - DONE!
- Whitelist option - DONE!
- Custom number of lines and lines! (Half done!)
- If you have suggestions leave it in the Discussions Section!

Latest updates

  1. 1.19 Update

  2. 1.18.2


Latest reviews

No original
Dosent work on a 1.14.4 server
DOsent work
Hi!, I downloaded this plugin, and it seems that it doesn't work on Spigot 1.11, as my server didn't recognize the plugin
update to 1.20.6
hello works but when i right click on a npc i say me connecting to skyblock but i m not tp :/
Hello great but new update as available Today ! Version 1.19 ! Update please :D and Thank you !
Just noticed, ill get to work on cracking it :)
good. but not work in 1.12 . need update the update
Please Keep Update! <333

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