EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS!

SpigotVIP EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS! 7.15.2

EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTS!

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What can I do with EpicCraftings?
This plugin allows you to create custom crafts in a very unique way. Using the /ecraft command (or a configurable crafting place) you can create Epic items with custom names, lore, enchantments, but only if you have the required items (All of this is configurable). You can create all the crafts you want and its a maximum of 15 required items per craft.

Example: You can craft an item named: Epic Sword | But you need: x15 Diamonds, x15 Gold Ingots and whatever items you want.

Why Premium?
Because there is already a free version of this plugin called EpicCraftings, but this one have extra features mentioned below.


✓ = EpicCraftings | ✓ = EpicCraftingsPlus

- ✓ Add your own crafts
- Required items with custom names, lore and enchantments!
- ✓ Crafts with custom names / colors / lore / enchantments
- ✓ Crafts with a maximum of 15 required items!
- ✓ Crafts with custom permissions!
- Unbreakable Crafts
- ✓ Hide-flags for crafts
Hide-flags for required items
- ✓ Crafting Places
- ✓ Categorized Crafting Places
- Cooldown for Crafts (Wait time)
- Craft Commands

- ✓ Random Crafts Option
- Execute command when right click on the item
- /ecraft create (With GUI) for creating crafts in a very easy way (Without touching the config)

- ✓ /ecraft edit for editing the required items of a craft
- Extra Requirements: Player levels, JobsReborn levels, Money, BattleLevels, SkillAPI Class, TokenEnchant Tokens, PlaceholderAPI Variables
- ✓ Categories
- Probability of Success System
- Potions Compatibility (Just in Main Crafting, not in require items: Reworking)
- SpawnerEggs Compatibility (1.8, 1.11,1.12,1.13)
- Colored Leather Armor Compatibility
- Heads with Texture Compatibility
- Banners Compatibility
- Shields Designs Compatibility
- Attribute Modifiers Compatibility

- Hide Craftings with Permissions
- Convert all Crafting Tables to open EpicCraftings Menu
- Open EpicCrafting menu with command
- ✓ Avoid crafting using money
- Crafts with random enchantment levels
- Crafts with random lore stats
- One Time craftings

- Log File
- Block Interaction with Crafted item
- Block Use of Crafted Item in Crafting Tables
- Boss Plugin Compatibility

- ✓ Works in 1.8+
- ✓ Works in Craftbukkit and Spigot
- ✓ GUI Inventory for crafts
- No Permissions needed



First of all, to add your own crafts you can use two methods:
Create a new section on the config.yml and start editing manually each of the properties of the new craft. There is already a tutorial on this page and also on the config.yml file

2) By typing /ecraft create <name> you can create a new craft with the item you have in your hand. This command will open an inventory GUI where you can put all the required items you want. The plugin will automatically save them on the config (Supports custom name, lore, enchantments).
#Here you can define the inventory items, I suggest you to use IDs instead of item names. Here you can find all IDs: http://www.minecraftinfo.com/idlist.htm
If you use 1.13+ versions you need to set a valid Material. Here is the full list:

decorative-menu-item: '160:3'
menu-page-item: '262'
click-to-craft-item: '58'
craft-with-money-item: '351:10'

#Set this to true if you want to spawn a firework when a player craft an item on the plugins GUI. If not, set to false.
firework-on-craft: true

#Set this to true to send a message to all OPs when there is a new version of the plugin.
new-version-reminder: true

#This option works if you want to make specific Crafting Places with the /ecraft setplace command blocking the access to the /ecraft command. If you don't know how Crafting Places works, see the tutorial below.
block-ecraft-command: false

#If you want your crafting inventory to be more organized, this option let you create different types of categories. If you want to know more, read the tutorial below.
enable-categories: true

#If you set this option to true, players that don't have the necessary permission to craft the item, will not see it on the crafting inventory.
hide-craftings-with-permissions: true

#If this option is enabled that means that all normal crafting tables will activate the EpicCraftings menu. So, if a player place a crafting table and he right click on it, it will open the EpicCraftings menu.
workbench-attach: true

#If this option is enabled, users will receive notificacion messages when craftings with cooldown have finished creating.
cooldown-notification-messages: true

#If enabled, users can't craft an item if they are already creating another one with cooldown.
one-cooldown-at-the-time: false

#If the log option is enabled, this file will be updated every time users create a crafting. You can set after how many time the log should reset (in days)
enabled: true
clear-log-time: 7

This is an example with two categories. You can add more, just remember to set a different slot number for each of them.

Code (Text):

size: 45

id: '283'
name: '&eWeapons&f/&eArmor'
- '&7Here you can find the &cbest'
- '&7equipment of the server.'
slot: 12
permission: epiccraftingsplus.category.weaponsarmor
custom-go-back-command: chestcommands open main_menu %player%
id: '351:10'
name: '&dOther Crafts'
- '&7A lot of stuff you can craft,'
- '&7like the &bVIP &6rank.'
The permission is optional.

You can also add a head with texture from sites like http://heads.freshcoal.com/ or https://minecraft-heads.com/
(Just remember to set the ID to 397:3. In the case of 1.13+ use PLAYER_HEAD instead)
skull-texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTA4Yjc3MmVjYWVlNzA2MjM1ZDFhZGJmMGI5YTI5YjU4YmE5YzBlZDYwZGU2ZjEwZWZiMWE3Zjg2ZDllIn19fQ==
skull-id: ec62ea75-402c-44fb-8f71-bef0015a4634

If the category option is enabled, when typing /ecraft the users must select one category of items to craft. So, that means that for each of your craftings you need to put the category like this:

Code (Text):
id: '261'
name: "&aE&bP&cI&dC &6Bow"
category: weapons_armor
- '265;40'
- '264;30'

In newer versions you can edit the Category Menu as you like. Items here support names, lore, and skull texture. These items will be just for decoration, and they don't interfere with the categories. Remember to put them under the "Inventory" section. Just follow the example below:

In the Categories section you can find the custom-go-back-command option. With this option you can create a new "Go Back" item (For only that category) and execute your own command when player clicks it. This command MUST open another inventory, or close the current one.

As you can see, you can also add a command to an item just adding command: <command>
#Name/ID of the item to craft.
id: '276'

#Here you can set a custom name for the item. You can use color codes.
name: "&4&lSuper Sword"

#Here you can set the amount of the item that the playaer will receive when crafting
amount: '25'

#Here you can set a custom lore for the item. You can use color codes. You can remove this section if you don't want a lore for the item. You can add more lines if you want. You can use the variable: %player% to add the name of the user who is crafting the item.

You can define random stats (just for numbers) using the variable $random-number1-number2$. When the user craft the item, that line will be replaced with a random number between number1 and number2.

- "&8&m---------&7STATS&8&m---------"
- ''
- "&a+$random-120-170$ &7Health &4\u2764"
- "&a+$random-5-10$ &7Dexterity &f\u2738"
- ''
- "&8&m-----------------------"

#Names of the enchantments that the item will have with the level of the enchant respectively. Here you can find a list with all the enchantments: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html You can remove this section if you don't want enchantments for the item.

You can add a line ("-") on the enchantment level to give the player an item with a random level enchantment, just like you see on the Fire Aspect example. In that case, when crafting the item, there are chances to get an item with Fire Aspect level 3 to level 6.


#This is very important if you are using categories. Here you need to set the category in which the item will appear
category: weapons_armor

#Here you can add a custom permission to craft this item.
permission: 'ecraft.supersword'

#Here you can decide if the item should be unbreakable
unbreakable: true

#If the item is a part of leather armor you can set a specific color. You can find Minecraft colors on this link:https://minecraftcommand.science/armor-color
color: 8405056

#Here you can set the owner of a skull. For this option to work you need to set the ID of the item to: 397:3. You can also write %player% to make the player can craft just their own skull.
skull-owner: Ajneb
skull-owner: %player%

#You can also add a head with texture from sites like http://heads.freshcoal.com/ or https://minecraft-heads.com/
skull-texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTA4Yjc3MmVjYWVlNzA2MjM1ZDFhZGJmMGI5YTI5YjU4YmE5YzBlZDYwZGU2ZjEwZWZiMWE3Zjg2ZDllIn19fQ==
skull-id: ec62ea75-402c-44fb-8f71-bef0015a4634

#Here you can set a cooldown in seconds for the item to craft (This means that the item will be created in 30 minutes). IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU /DEOP YOURSELF BEFORE TESTING THIS OPTION OR YOU WILL BYPASS THE COOLDOWN.
cooldown: 1800

#If you want to let players avoid the craft of an item, and instead of that use money you can add this option. This will create another item on the crafting inventory, which needs to be clicked to craft the item with money
craft-with-money: 5000

#Here you can define a price for bypassing the cooldown. If the user wants, he can pay an amount of money (Vault) to avoid the cooldown time and receive the item instantly. For that, he need to click on a crafting being created (in cooldown mode) on the main crafting inventory. This will open a confirmation inventory where he can select Yes or No.
cooldown-bypass-cost: 500

#With this you can hide some ItemFlags like the attributes, enchants and more. You can find all the flags names here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/inventory/ItemFlag.html

#If this option is enabled, the flags of the required items (enchantments,attributes) will be hidden. It's only for better looking.
hide-required-items-flags: true

#These options work for ignoring some required items properties when crafting an item. For example, if you want to craft a workbench with all type of wood, set ignore-required-items-data-values to true
ignore-required-items-data-values: true
ignore-required-items-lore: true
ignore-required-items-enchants: true

#You can add a probability of success to the item. For example, if is set to 25 that means that there will be a 75% of chance to fail, and lose the used items.
success-rate: 25

#If the user fails while crafting the item you can set here a custom message.
success-rate-failed-message: "&cThe creation of the &2Magic &dKey &cfailed! The Mystery Vaults can't be opened yet..."

#With this options you can block the interaction with a crafted item. For example, if the custom item is an enderpearl and block-interaction is set to true, you can't throw or teleport with it.
block-interaction: true
block-interaction-message: "&cThis is a special item, you can''t interact with it"
block-use-in-crafting-tables: true
block-use-in-crafting-tables-message: "&cThis is a special item, you can''t craft with it"

#If you set this option to true, players will be able to craft this item just one time.
one-time: true

#Instead of giving the player a specific item, you can set a lot of created crafts and give one to the player random.
- "super_sword;20"
- "gold_helmet;30"
- "epic_bow;50"

#Instead of giving an item, with this option you can execute a command to the player. You can set multiple commands by adding a ";" before the next command.
command: pex user %player% group set VIP
command: "pex user %player% group set VIP;eco give %player% 500"

#Here you can set a list of commands that will execute from the console when a player right click the item (When already crafted).
- "effect %player% 1 30 2"
- "msg %player% You used the &4&lSpeed &6&lStick!"

#The amount of seconds the player need to wait to execute again the previous commands.
command-wait: 180

#If you want to execute commands when players finish creating a crafting, you can use this option. You can add more lines to execute multiple commands. You can use msg %player% to send a private message to the player.
- "broadcast &2&l%player% crafted a &4&lSUPER SWORD&2&l!"

#Here you can put a list of extra requirements for the item to be crafted.

With this new functionality, you can add conditions to create some craftings. For example, to craft a Super Sword you need some materials, be on a specific world and have more than 1500 Jumps.
- placeholder_api,%statistic_jump%,>=,1500,Player Jumps
- placeholder_api,%player_world%,equals,spawn,Current World

- placeholder_api,%placeholder%,type,condition,name to show

You need this plugin for this option to work: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/

This will take 15 levels from the player when crafting the item.
- level,15,take

You can remove the "take" word to keep the player levels:
- level,15

This will take 500 tokens from the player when crafting the item. You need the plugin TokenEnchant for this option to work:
- tokenenchant,500,take

You can remove the "take" word to keep the player tokens:
- tokenenchant,500

This will take 15 battle-levels from the player when crafting the item. You need the plugin BattleLevels for this option to work:
- battlelvl,15

This will check if the player is level 15 Miner and level 40 Brewer. You need to put the correct Jobs names. For this option to work you need the plugin JobsReborn:
- job,Miner,15
- job,Brewer,15

This will check if the player is level 5 Warrior. You need to put the correct Class name. For this option to work you need the plugin SkillAPI:
- skillapi-class,Warrior,5

This will take $5000 from the player when crafting the item.You need the plugin Vault for this option to work:
- money,5000

-/ecraft Opens the plugin inventory
-/ecraft create <name> Creates a new craft on the config
-/ecraft edit <name> Allows you to edit the required items of a created craft.
-/ecraft delete <name> Deletes a craft
-/ecraft list <page-number> Shows all created crafts
-/ecraft setplace (optional) <category> Creates a new Crafting Place
-/ecraft removeplace Removes an existing Crafting Place
-/ecraft give <craft-name> <player> Give the craft directly to the player
-/ecraft open <category> (optional)<player>Opens a category. Player is optional. You can use /ecraft open main <player> to open the Main Menu instead of a category.
-/ecraft reload Reload the config
-/ecraft info Show plugin info


- ecraft.admin (This permission will allow you to use all plugin commands)
Per Command Permission:
- ecraft.command.ecraft (Default: true)
- ecraft.command.reload
- ecraft.command.setplace
- ecraft.command.removeplace
- ecraft.command.give
- ecraft.command.open.self
- ecraft.command.open.others
- ecraft.command.create
- ecraft.command.edit
- ecraft.command.delete
- ecraft.command.list
- ecraft.command.help
- ecraft.command.info
- ecraft.bypass.cooldowns (For ignoring cooldown in craftings)


(You just need to replace the contents of your message.yml with the translation you want :p)
Spanish: (By Ajneb97): [CLICK HERE]
German: (By Wissi): [CLICK HERE]
Russian: (By WafuMoon): [CLICK HERE]

Please avoid posting bad ratings before asking. If you have problems or bugs with the plugin contact with me or post on the plugin discussion and I will take a look at it.

Terms & Conditions
By purchasing EpicCraftingPlus you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
1) You can't resell/-Redacted- this plugin.
2) There are no refunds.
3) You can't decompile this plugin.
4) You can't claim this plugin as your own.
5) You can't post bad reviews before asking for help or contacting with me.
6) Only use this plugin on your server/network.
7) I can change the price of this plugin anytime.

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. 7.15.2

    -Fixed issue with cooldowns with 1 day or more.
  3. 4.3.2

    -Fixed a lot of bugs with the Random property

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