[Official] mcMMO Classic

 FREE [Official] mcMMO Classic 2.2.003

[Official] mcMMO Classic

Bug Report | Website

Latest 1.14+ Build: 1.6.3
Latest 1.13 Build: 1.6.1
Latest 1.12 Build: 1.5.08
Latest 1.11 Build: 1.5.07-SNAPSHOT
Latest 1.9/1.10 Build: 1.5.06
Latest 1.8 Build: 1.5.04-SNAPSHOT
1.7 and Older Builds: Bukkit Hosting


About mcMMO Classic
mcMMO Classic is the continuing long term maintenance release of the mcMMO. It aims to continue to support and bugfix the 2014-2018 era mcMMO experience for as long as minecraft allows it.

New mcMMO updates!

Did you know mcMMO is back in active creative feature development? This page is for classic mcMMO which only receives maintenance updates. @nossr50 (creator of mcMMO) has returned to develop mcMMO, you can grab the new updates and changes to mcMMO over on the official spigot page for it. If you don't want any of the new mcMMO changes, Classic aims to maintain the functionality mcMMO has had for the last couple of years.

mcMMO Classic Features
  • Fully featured mmo-like party system
  • Localization
  • Robust Skills
  • Unique Skill Abilities
  • Skill Leaderboards
  • Skills that focus on fun gameplay rather than restriction
  • Follows an XP system like in an RPG/MMO
  • Addictive
  • Repair System
  • Admin Chat
  • Loads of RPG elements
  • Very Configurable - Want to make mining take 3x longer to level? You can.
  • MySQL Support
  • Sound effects for:
    • Abilities
    • Repair
    • Leveling

Are you using NoCheatPlus? (Or any other anti-cheat plugin?)
Anti-cheat plugins can be great tools to deter and prevent cheaters on a server, however since mcMMO adds cool abilities which aren't in the Vanilla game - this can cause false alert in anti-cheat plugins, which will more often than not block certain mcMMO abilities or feature. Luckily, for NoCheatPlus users there is a solution. The add-on plugin CompatNoCheatPlus aims to solve these conflicts with mcMMO. We highly recommend using it if you plan on using mcMMO alongside NoCheatPlus.

Are you using TagAPI?
Checkout mcMMO-TagAPI! An official mcMMO plugin that utilizes TagAPI to give party members and alliance members colored nameplates.

Fun third party addons:

Bug Report / Feature Request
We try our best to perform as many user tests as possible, but occasionally bugs do squeak through. If you have found a bug, or perhaps just have a feature request, please create an issue on Github

Why Premium?

MCMMO has been a free and open source mod for years. Unfortunately, life happens and development slows while other things take priority. Despite being a prominent Bukkit plugin, very few donations and praise have come in over the years. Putting this as a premium resource will allow more time to be spent on development, fixing bugs, and support than before.

Latest updates

  1. 2.2.003

  2. 2.1.226

  3. 2.1.225


Latest reviews


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