SellAll - Sell everything in one go!

 SellAll - Sell everything in one go! 2.0.1

SellAll - Sell everything in one go!

Since V1.8.1C this plugin does not support Java7 anymore. Update to Java8

A server with this plugin live:

A video showing the main features


Place a sign, look at it and run the command /sellall create, then go into your plugin folder, open up SellAll go into the signs folder and open up the YML corresponding to the coordinates of the sign, in here you can enable and disable the sign and add items which you can sell at this sign.
(all signs have different items for a different value)
To add an item, simply add this to the corresponding file (as explained above):
Code (Text):
Material: price

Code (Text):

INK_SACK,4: 2 #lapis lazuli only, this will be checked first!
INK_SACK: 1 #Would work for all other dyes!

Would add the option to sell gold ingots for 1 "currency", lapis lazuli for 2 "currency" and all other dyes for 1 "currency"
You can add every type of item to every sign, the minecraft items are your limit!
When someone hits a configured sign they will sell all items that are configured for the sign, all items that are in their inventory times the configured price.


This plugin also works with SimBackpacks, now available for 2.50, free for anyone who bought the resource before march 2017, just shoot me a PM with a screenshot of the payment and I'll add you to the buyers list so you can download it!


You can also use SellAll on the go, just do /sell <shopname> and gone are your unneeded items!
Players can also view the items the shop will sell with /sell show <shopname>

Admin /sell stuff: (everything here requires perm node sellall.admin)
Shops can be created with /sell create <shopname>
Shops can be enabled with /sell enable <shopname>
Shops can be disabled with /sell disable <shopname>
Add items with /sell additem <shopname> <itemname/id>[,subid] <price>
Remove unwanted shops with /sell delete <shopname> (NOT revertable, you can only recreate the whole shop again)
Remove items with /sell removeitem <shopname> <itemname/id>[,subid]
Set the required permission for the shop with /sell setperm <shopname> <newperm>
And view these commands in game with /sell help
These shops can even be copied onto a sign with /sellall import <shopname>!
You can also copy a sign to a shop by using
/sellall export <shopname>

Player stuff:
Everything with /sell requires the node

Sell stuff with /sell <shopname> (requires the perm node of the sign, by default
List possible shops with /sell list (requires


General multiplier command:
/sellall multiply <username> <tier> <time>
<username> : The name of the player you want to give a multiplier, you can use WHOLESERVER to give a multiplier to everyone who is online!
<tier> : The amount everything will be multiplied with, everyone has 1 by default, setting it to 2 would double their cash received from sellall signs.
<time> : The time (in seconds) for how long their multiplier would last. You can use infinite to give the multiplier for an infinite amount of time.

Global multipliers:
/sellall multiply WHOLESERVER <tier> <time> [playername]
<tier> : The amount everything will be multiplied with, everyone has 1 by default, setting it to 2 would double their cash received from sellall signs.
<time> : The time (in seconds) for how long their multiplier would last. You can use infinite to give the multiplier for an infinite amount of time.
[playername] : this will be used in some broadcasts around the global mutliplier, this is not required to be used.

Multipliers stack
This is now configurable!

Checking multipliers
You can check if you have an active multiplier in 2 ways
1, if you don't have the perm sellall.admin, just do /sellall, it will instantly be displayed
2, (works for both with and without the perm), just do /sellall multiplier, it will display the same info.
These messages can be edited in the config, with check_multiplier.

Show them on your EzRanks/Featherboard scoreboard and use them in DeluxeChat!

%multiplier% : for the multiplier
%multitime% : for the multiplier time

%sellall_multitier% : for the multiplier
%sellall_multitime% : for the multiplier time

Featherboard (And other @Maximvdw plugins):
!Requires MVdWPlaceholderAPI to work!
{multitier} for the multiplier
{multitime} for the multiplier time


use the command /sellall create whilst looking at a sign you want to make a sellall sign.
permission: sellall.createsign (also requires sellall.admin)
Look at a sign and use this command to make it a sellall sign!
Signs require a permission to use, this is sellall.sign by default, if your players don't have this perm, they will not be able to use the sign!
You can change it by looking at a sign and doing /sellall setperm <newperm>

Adding (extra) items to a sign:
/sellall additem <itemID/ItemNAME> <price> (needed perm: sellall.admin)

Can also be done manually via looking up the corresponding file in the sellall > signs folder
I'm sure you'll figure this out ;)

Copying portable sell shops onto signs:
One of the easiest things to do, create your sign and your /sell shop, and then just do /sellall import <shopname>
Everything will be copied from the /sell shop onto the sign!
The same can be done the other way around by doing
/sellall export <shopname>

2 small placeholders: %multiplier% and %multitime%


Commands to be executed when using a sellall sign!
Both per sign and for all signs!
For all signs can be found in the config, or add this yourself:
# a command that will be executed by the server when someone uses a sellall sign
# remove all the #'s here to make it work
# commands_allsigns:
# - /say {PLAYER} just used a sellall sign!
# - /tell {PLAYER} your balance is now {NEWBAL}, old balance: {OLDBAL}, added: {RECEIVED}

Valid placeholders for commands:
{PLAYER} for the playername
{OLDBAL} for the players old balance
{NEWBAL} yea...
{RECEIVED} what the player received by selling his stuff
{MULTIPLIED} the active multiplier the player had whilst selling

Language support, with colors!
don't like the default messages? Change them!
You can change a few messages in the config, the default values are:
Code (Text):

# a command that will be executed by the server when someone uses a sellall sign
# remove all the #'s here to make it work
# commands_allsigns:
# - /say {PLAYER} just used a sellall sign!
# - /tell {PLAYER} your balance is now {NEWBAL}, old balance: {OLDBAL}, added: {RECEIVED}

stack_infinite: true
# if someone has an infinite multiplier, should it be stacked with temp ones, set to true to enable.
stack_normal: true
# weather normal mutlipliers should stack or not
stack_perm: true
# will perm multipliers & normal multipliers stack?
stackperm_op: false
# do you want ops to have the max perm multiplier? set to false if not.
use_highest: true
# if stack_normal/stack_infinite is disabled and this is enabled, the highest received multiplier will be used...

use_preview: true
# do you like the left click function? no? set this to false...

fix_cash: true
# want it displayed in k, m, t, etc?
fix_decimal: 3
# amount of decimals of the received number in the received message (does give the entire number)

# Language / Messages #

message_prefix: '&6[&8Sell&7All&6]&f '
not_a_sign: '&cThat aint no sign, you fool! Look at a sign!'
usage: '&cUse /sellall create &3or &c/sellall multiply <username> <tier> <time> &3or &c/sellall additem <itemname/id>[,subid] <price> &3or &c/sellall removeitem <itemname/id>[,subid] &3or &c/sellall setperm <newperm> &3or &c/sellall removemultiplier <playername>'
created: '&aSuccesfully created a new sellall sign!'
no_blocks: '&7You have no blocks that can be sold here!'
you_sold: '&7You sold {AMOUNTOFITEM}'
received: '&7You received &a$&6{TOTAL}'
multiplied: '&7The cash got multiplied by {MULTIPLIED}'
received_multiplier: '&aYou received a multiplier of {MULTIPLIED} for {SECONDS} seconds' #you can also use {MINUTES} & {HOURS}
check_multiplier: '&aYou currently have a multiplier of {MULTIPLIED} for {SECONDS} seconds' #you can also use {MINUTES} & {HOURS}
no_multiplier: '&7You currently do not have an active multiplier!'
multiplier_ranout: '&4Your multiplier ran out!'
currency_symbol: '$'
dashes: '==========='
reloaded: 'Successfully reloaded SellAll {VERSION}'
no_change: '&7Your multiplier didnt change because you had a better multiplier allready!'

# global multiplier specific #
# Remember for the global multiplier, use this command:
# /sellall multiply WHOLESERVER <tier> <seconds> [Playername]
# the playername will be replaced over there V
global_ranout: '&4The global multiplier (&7Activated by {PLAYER}&4) has ran out!'
global_started: '&aThe whole server received a multiplier of {MULTIPLIED} for {SECONDS} seconds'
use_item_activator: false # hihi, will be implemented soon!
stack_global: false

And a few placeholders:
Code (Text):

{MULTIPLIED} - player's multiplier tier
{SECONDS} - the amount of seconds for how long the multiplier will run
{MINUTES} - {SECONDS} converted to minutes
{HOURS} - {SECONDS} converted to hours
{PLAYER} - the player's name
{VERSION} - the version of sellall
{BAL} - the player's balance

Are there some other messages that you want different? No problem!
Just ask me and provide proof of payment and I'll change them for you!


Preview what you can sell
Left-click a sellall sign to get an inventory with everything you can sell at this sign!
(can be toggled off in the configuration)

Price of the item is in the lore!

Code (Text):

sellall.command Needed to do /sellall Needed to do /sell
sellall.admin Admin stuff for /sell and /sellall Will show a list of shops if a player does /sell Will show the items of the shop with /sell show <shop> - Default perm needed for selling at a /sell shop (can be changed with /sell setperm <shopname> <newperm>)
sellall.sign Default perm needed for selling at signs (can be changed with /sellall setperm <newperm>)
sellall.reload For /sellall reload (useless)
sellall.createsign Needed to create signs (/sellall create)
sellall.removesign Needed to remove signs (/sellall remove)
sellall.givemultiplier Needed to give multipliers (/sellall multiply <username> <tier> <time>)
sellall.multiplier.#,# The allmighty permission multiplier (2x = sellall.multiplier.2,0) !! sellall.multiplier.#,# doesnt work since 1.7.9B New multiplier system in the config

Redistribution or modification of all or part of SellAll is prohibited, purchase is for one person/server/network only (You are allowed to use it on all of your servers, but don't give it to others)

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. Patched Version

  3. V2.0.1/V1.9.2C


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