ServerSelectorX Premium

 ServerSelectorX Premium 20210407

ServerSelectorX Premium

If you're not convinced yet, or the image fails to load, here is a list of some (more) features:
  • Configurable server selector item, slot, name, lore. Head support. Can be disabled.
  • Configurable command(s) to open the menu, can be disabled
  • Unlimited menus
  • Submenus (opening a menu from another menu)
  • Configurable actions for every item in the menu, possible actions include sending a player to a server, opening a URL, sending a player to a world, executing a command by the server, executing a command as the player, opening another menu, sending a chat message, executing a bungeecord command, speed effect, invisibility effect, hiding players, closing the selector and doing nothing
  • Option to give effects on join
  • 100% compatible with 1.7.10-1.12.2 (should work with 1.13 as well, but not a lot of people are running 1.13 servers so it's not tested very much)
  • Option to hide flags (hides useless text such as "x attack damage" for swords)
  • HTTP API for developers to get server status, placeholders or configuration files
  • Enchanted items, without enchantments (currently 1.8 clients only)
  • Custom message message when the server is offline (instead of the bungeecord warning)
  • Connector plugin to send data to the hub server. ServerSelectorX in your hub server hosts an HTTP server, which all the SSX-Connector plugins in your other servers send data to. The use of a connector plugin allows for very quick updates of server data, and it also enables the plugin to display advanced data about the server in the server selector (because the connector plugin knows everything about the server).

Terms of service
This plugin is licensed under GPL v3.That basically means (read the full license!) that:
  • You can use this plugin for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
  • You are free to modify the source code (which is available on github), as long as you document any changes you make and publish your changed version under a GPL-compatible license.
Read the full license here:

Resources and downloads
Installing the plugin:
Installing SSX-Connector:
Installing addons for SSX-Connector:
You can find more wiki articles by clicking any of the links above and looking at the sidebar to the right

Source code:
note: For the premium source code, make sure to select the master branch (not selected by default!)

I strongly recommend joining the discord server, you will probably need to ask questions and it's a lot faster than through Spigot.

Latest updates

  1. 20210407

  2. 20201108

  3. 20200629


Latest reviews

Sorry, apparently 4.5MB is too large for Spigot. Download by pasting this link in your browser address bar:

Spigot also didn't allow me to configure an external download directly or upload the text file, it had to be a zip or jar file. Apologies for the extra steps.
HI excelent plugins! but can you update this?
thanks for updating it. I am very grateful. I loved the plugin <3
update!!! plssssssssss

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